Author Topic: (Eman 2's)Dragon RP  (Read 1477 times)

Not only are they the most ungodly of all roleplays, they are the exact opposite intention of the dragon playertypes (and other playertypes abused in this roleplay).  Hosts of these roleplays(eman 2) also think its a good thing to use the Hydralisk ai as a substitute for a dragon sub species.

The whole family getting together. (They were talking about being overly joyed and eating food really fast, but I don't know how to screenshot text too)

Just an average man's home with his ordinary vehicle, completely armed for dragon combat.

A human's shack, where he/she eats hamburgers while watching television without ever worrying about a single dragon attacking them.

Basically, in any roleplay, let it be a dragon roleplay or family rp, the host of  the server will download any creature playertype that might get an amount of players in their server.   Most of the players who can access the forum are surely wise enough to avoid these servers.

What a disgrace.


dragon roleplay or family rp
There's your problem.

There's your problem.
That's basically what I'm talking about.

Every kind of RP sucks.

What a disgrace.

hahaha, Camera. You're just mad that you missed it  :cookieMonster:
but yeah, why would you click on anything with RP if you know what to expect?

I like how the hut has no roof.

I like how the hut has no roof.
well aren't you the sharp one.