Author Topic: Reverse E-Tard Filter  (Read 6409 times)

Reverse E-Tard Filter
Version 1.1

Whitelist your chat!

Includes option to filter chat messages and replace anything nonconforming with a character (or lack thereof) of your choice!

Second example had the replacement character set to nothing.

Enable this alongside your E-Tard filter for maximum cat control. Note that by default, E-Tard (and thus Reverse E-Tard) ignores ".", "?", "!", and "/".

« Last Edit: November 28, 2017, 07:57:52 PM by Conan »

tournaments needs this and  the list needs to be :3

now you can truly degrade everyone to using morse code

Heh. What if I make the list nothing...

name it E-Tellectual since it's the opposite of E-Tard

considering the only thing I can say is cat,


Heh. What if I make the list nothing...
it would check for nothing in the message and every message would pass lol

make a version that converts all messages to the reverse etard word

make a version that converts all messages to the reverse etard word

or a version that removes all words except the ones in the reverse etard list