Author Topic: Prodigy - The new BL trickshotters  (Read 4939 times)

Also, when I saw "trick shooters," I thought of like football throws and extreme soccer kicks, not this embarrassment called "360 noscopes."
Forgot to post that.

when you say you trick shot but you can't even air shot with a rocketL

when you say you trick shot but you can't even air shot with a rocketL

the coolest rocket shot i did was as follows:
I was in the air, and i fired a rocket at someone and it landed behind them, launching them into the air in my direction, and they died on impact with my body, it was pretty sweet. can I get accepted to the XxPr0d1gyxX Clan?

if someone judges you on your past, make them regret their future

if someone judges you on your past
But isn't that what literally the entire forums do though

im the crazy firestarter