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Topics - Maxx°

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Off Topic / reddit "robin" arg
« on: April 02, 2016, 05:26:03 AM »
so apparentally this cool new meme just sprouted on reddit and i want to show you guys it
yea if you go right here and you click that black button with the robin on it you get a cool spicy new chatroom with another person
you can choose to abandon, stay, or grow
grow means you double the chatroom and merge with another one
stay means you stay as is
abandon means you leave
not voting = auto abandon and majority of the votes win the vote

i dont know what this really is but i found it interesting, its said that its being ran until the 8th

April Fools 2016 / how to reveal names
« on: April 01, 2016, 09:03:29 PM »

lol found it

April Fools 2016 / kochieboy is really dumb
« on: April 01, 2016, 08:29:28 PM »
hes a gay dumb furry and he should probably stahp existing

Creativity / Hammer Editor Megathread
« on: March 13, 2016, 04:51:29 PM »
I was working on a project and I realized the old Hammer Editor thread got too old to post in, here is a new one!

What is Hammer Editor?
Hammer Editor is Valve Corporation's map editor that is used within all of their games. The original version, Hammer 3.x, was used within the Goldsource Engine, that was used in "Half-Life" and "Counter Strike 1.6", and many others. With the release of Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source came Hammer 4.x, which is used for all Source Engine games. Slightly different versions are used in games such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and Portal 2.

How do I use it?
As of 2013, you cannot directly use it from the Source SDK that is available on Steam, an update that had changed the way that directories were accessed broke the SDK and several other of Hammer's features.
However, you can use it by accessing the /bin/ directory of many Source games, this is not needed for Counter-Strike Global Offensive, as it has its own SDK available under the "Tools" section of the library, this is the same for Portal 2.
Where to find it

This directory will be the same for every Source game, except replacing "Half-Life 2" with the other game's name. You must download the editor for GoldSource off of Valve's website.

Learning curve?
Once you pick up on how it works and how to use it you will be able to make projects! For me I started learning about it in November last year, and I've only really made unreleased projects since. Source 2 is believed to come with a upgraded version of Hammer, however we won't have to worry about that for a while.
I recommend using the wiki for learning on how certain tools work and on how to make certain things, such as textures, and whatnot, but another reliable source is 3kliksphilip, he made videos on how to perform certain tasks.

Resource Links
Valve Software Wiki:

You can use any resource you find, but these are two I recommend.

You can share any projects you're working on here or have finished if you like!

Off Topic / hi guys i feel like stuff ask me something
« on: March 03, 2016, 01:13:56 PM »
i have a 100 degree fever and i had to crush tylenol pills and eat them with something
it was the worst loving taste i've ever had and i feel like im on drugs
ask me something

Off Topic / Streaming imscared
« on: February 05, 2016, 06:29:22 PM »
im terrified of horror games
watch me play imscared

Games / imscared is officially out
« on: February 03, 2016, 08:20:29 PM »
for those who dont know
imscared was some horror game stuff that you basically had to find keys and at the end you killed yourself
the workshop edition was released which added some fun stuff
the official game was released a few days ago
this game breaks the fourth wall like crazy, on some occasions you have to guide yourself with files the game drops
this game is NOT a virus, it just adds files to your folder to help you.

Off Topic / ask maxx anything
« on: January 01, 2016, 07:06:15 PM »

oops sorry gotta wipe my face

alright hello hows it going
ask me stuff

Off Topic / streaming mapmaking (give me your loving ideas) -rip
« on: December 30, 2015, 08:07:40 PM »
im making an arena map and its the final rendition
im hoping to get it done by tonight and tomorrow
i am accepting ideas from chat as long as i see them to be deemed reasonable


Off Topic / hi yes it is my birthday
« on: December 13, 2015, 01:05:25 AM »
it is currently 12/13/2015 (in cst)
i am now 13
feel free to give me things

so im bored with myself
and i thought
"forget it lets map lol"
and its actually kinda fun
so yea
heres what im working on
tdm_solutions: (CS:GO)
tdm_solutions is a team-deathmatch based map that allows the players to choose their spawnpoints while not interfering with the other team, players are supposed to traverse throughout 3 rooms and eliminate the other team and dominate the arena!

development pics:
room #2 (warehouse style room)

room #3 (gang-neighborhood/broken neighborhood style room)

room #1 (close quarters fort like room)

what i have planned is a two set series of tunnels that are not directly straight to prevent awpers from completely sniping anyone who walks through, that'd be a stuffty motive
for now they're all just directly connected by straight tunnels but im fixing that soon

This map is just a small building for a tornado map series that I work with/beta test, i entered a competition to see who could make the best building
mine is small so it fits the "valley" style of the map, the reward is that the building is placed inside the actual map itself and i get to see my building in a tornado map or w/e

future ideas:
i have ideas for a tornado map in garrys mod, just something small
and i also have an idea for a defuse map in csgo, idk how i would balance it but i'll find out
i'll sometimes stream mapmaking if i feel like it, nobody really watches though (fine by me if they don't like it, it's their choice)
i'm not the best mapmaker but these are the only two maps i have actually created on my own, only other map work i've done to learn hammer editor was when i would edit maps from another guy, and publish the edits privately

Current uploads:

Off Topic / was it really just a prank? you decide.
« on: December 11, 2015, 11:02:48 PM »
"you're being recorded! CAMERAS! CAMERAS!"

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