Author Topic: Beta Stuff  (Read 35729 times)

There probably wont be a public beta

Double peg legs ;)

I love the style of the horse it looks great. Everything seems to be shaping up nice visually.

And the "sound" blocks.. well, sound like a great idea :) I think the people over at Second Life have a similar feature where you can have sounds playing from objects (My sister plays the game quite a bit)

Bones told me there was not going to be a public beta.

Go to the GG conference in Eugene if you want to play it. I think you have a few days.

plang lol i come 2 plaz AFK

i like everything but the new player models... too square....

I like the new player model. I mean, if the mods take it out, then all the appearance stuff would change, and i like that :( I think when a mod comes out for it, you should be able to toggle between lego model and blocky one :cookieMonster:

I browsed around a bit for some more information on the IGC, I was hoping that someone might be blogging or uploading something from it, but no news. I found a schedule, if anyone is interested though:

Judging from 2004's schedule, and information on the 2006 conference, the schedule will consist of playing everyone's games from October 6-8, and on the 8th there is some kind of award thing. There are also lectures you can attend while there on various topics.

I can't get any more pictures as the beta testing server is down. I don't know if the server is up or down at the IGC, for all I know, their ports aren't forwarded.

I guess we'll hear about it when Badspot gets back, I want to know what people thought of Blockland :D

It is $199 for late registration. I don't even know if they will let you in this late.

apparently there might be AoT at the IGC, there is a guy called GG Muffins in AOT right now.

somthing different
« Last Edit: February 05, 2007, 10:14:02 PM by ladios »