


Author Topic: SCP Containment Breach [90%] Please vote in the poll!  (Read 51494 times)

The way the image is angled, it makes it seem like his hands are huge.

The way the image is angled, it makes it seem like his hands are huge.

The way the image is angled, it makes it seem like his hands are huge.

Well, it still gives the wrong idea. Can you post images at a different angle that better represents 096's appearance?

I thought this was gonna be another over-rated "2spooky4me"

Then I saw this

Nice models, I would come but i don't wanna see that thing :..(

Awesome lighting.  10/10.

Will this use official sounds from SCP: CB?

I recommend these:
It also has music.

Also, maybe someone could convert these into blockland sounds.

Will this use official sounds from SCP: CB?

I recommend these:
It also has music.

Also, maybe someone could convert these into blockland sounds.
I already have multitudes of sounds and loops, that pack is low quality in my opinion.

You should really update that model pic bright, on 106, it looks a bit stuffty compared to the new one.

You should really update that model pic bright, on 106, it looks a bit stuffty compared to the new one.
Ill do it tomarrow

Hopefully before Halloween.

Beta apps are now up and ready to fill out.

Beta testing Application

In game name: The Big Bad Jellyfish

All Blockland IDs you have access to: 11878, only one.

Are you willing to follow directions: Of course.

Are you willing to keep information about the server privet: Yes.

Past experiences beta testing servers: I don't beta test many servers, due to no real good ones having a form to beta test it.

At least 6 recommendations: Six is quite a bit, but alright.

(sorry for the loads of images.)

Why do you want to beta test this server: I want to beta test this server so I can hopefully be some use of finding bugs and report them to you, be spooked, and have fun.

Have you played SCP Containment Breach the game: No, but I have seen billions of videos of it.

Have you read any of the SCP Wiki: Yeah, I read it from time to time.

Recommendations for the server: I don't have many recommendations for this server right now, but I'm pretty sure I will later.