Author Topic: Oddity's Randomizer TDM  (Read 3509 times)

So this is what happened today, I joined Oddity's and all of what I am listing below, just happened.
Sorry about not much proof here, because the server just shut down. But, here is what I have
this is where the incodent happened, people might agree here, because this was at the top of the master list, There was a total of 25~ people on his server, and not only that, but before he cleared all the bricks, there was ten or twelve saves loaded on each other, he also threatened to shut down the server because of how people were reacting to this, his id is in the 33k's it got to the top by just loading defaults saves over each other, people were complaining about the server being absolutely awful, the admin team did nothing to improve, and what I can tell, they were hosting it off a Toshiba satellite, people should really take into account about randomizer TDM's because this was probably the worst server I've been on in my entire blockland career, I was only on for about ten minutes and this happened, I question how masslead gets to the top of the master list but seriously, how does this server even get over ten players?

What I don't understand here is how people actually joined this server in the first place, I mean, seriously, if he is going to try he should build something of his own instead of loading default builds over one another. I've never seen a server with such horrendous quality, and for Oddity, he literally did nothing to stop this, people were spamming explosions, he ended the minigame, people ran around and did everything in the picture above, I cant get too much detail due to my client crashing.

Wow, what a feeget.


I always leave whenever I find out the host is horrible.

I cant get too much detail due to my client crashing.
here was the chat:

and you sure did crash:

I question how masslead gets to the top of the master list
Oh God, please don't even talk about that stuff.

OT: Top server? Okay...Support.

That one random message by me...


Another topic in which both sides acted stupid...

OT: Both of you are wrong.

Oddity for having a stuffty server and administration.

Nal for his unnecessary spam.

not supporting because of nal's spamfest

It wasn't the best server.
I'll explain a bit more about the server itself while I was there:

Every few rounds, oddity decided to clear the bricks and have someone else load a save to fight on, that takes about 5 minutes, then he spends another 5 minutes setting up everything.
During that 10 minutes, suddenly the server turns into a spammy freebuild.
Plus, the randomness of the weapons were kind-of unbalanced, it was either OP, not OP at all, or completely useless.
Mostly completely useless.

Honestly it could've been done better.

And Nal's spam isn't exactly relevant.

Plus nal was only spamming for a little bit, no harm was done.

Plus nal was only spamming for a little bit, no harm was done.
yeah because spamming random stuff using a spam bot over and over at a very rapid speed is totally no harm done.

yeah because spamming random stuff using a spam bot over and over at a very rapid speed is totally no harm done.
He only did it 6 times.
I like how you all instantly stop talking about the server.