Author Topic: Conan & Skill4Life's Railroad Block Party+ (Now Open!)  (Read 4587 times)

reminds me of that old lego SIM City esque game. putting railroads everywhere.

I've been working on the railllroadd

reminds me of that old lego SIM City esque game. putting railroads everywhere.
Did you mean Lego Loco??!??

i wanna make a abandoned coal mineshaft thing but im too lazy to make a whole new mountian

I made a station but it was too good for the server so I removed it because skill said ppl will stop building lol

I made a station but it was too good for the server so I removed it because skill said ppl will stop building lol

I made a station but it was too good for the server so I removed it because skill said ppl will stop building lol
sylv no

spent too much time making this

When are trains going to be open for the public so everyone can start making train servers?

Just curious.  :iceCream:
« Last Edit: October 25, 2018, 02:21:56 PM by King Tøny »

i release my addons tony, dont be passive aggressive about it. theres still a bunch of stuff planned that needs to get done like toggleable rails/switches - if it ends up going into development hell i will release the mod as is atm.

Alright sorry I wasn't being passive aggressive specifically to you but there are people who hoard stuffloads of private add-ons.