Author Topic: New George Floyd footage from his previous arrest  (Read 3806 times)

Police officer was polite and patient.
whatre you gonna do the day you lose your job because your employer decides to run your name through a search engine

Fantastic rebuttal.Man was going insane on drugs, overdosed and died.
Police officer was polite and patient.

Police officer charged with murder and people go on a rampage. And then they cry they're peaceful as the city is in flames over a man they never met and a story they didn't have the full picture on.

They wanted him arrested or else.

At this point, I hope he goes free and everyone sees these violent rioters as the criminals they are.

Manslaughter or criminal negligence is the most I can gather from this footage.

But I hope he goes free just to piss them off. Cause fuc
k em. Negotiating with terrorists leads to more terrorism. And I'm tired of dealing with the aftermath of events I had no hand in.

No reperations. No police defunding. Slaver
y ended over a century ago at the hand of Republican president Abraham Lincoln.

If this stuff is happening in Democrat cities, don't come for me, I didn't vote for these starfishs.

you think you know a guy..... gross ass...
« Last Edit: August 05, 2020, 04:34:36 AM by CM1107ProjectInfinium »

this is so forgeted up.

even IF george floyd was killed by the cop that doesn't changw the fact that this is scapegoating.

if you refuse to look at the statistics and realize that white cops killing black civilians is a nonexistant problem then idk what to tell you

even IF george floyd was killed by the cop that doesn't changw the fact that this is scapegoating.

if you refuse to look at the statistics and realize that white cops killing black civilians is a nonexistant problem then idk what to tell you
how flat is your skull

I can’t even express how much I hate that news stations when they covered this story didn’t even show you the full clip. They just grabbed parts of it and made a narrative for you to be force-fed instead of taking in the whole situation.

Also, I stand by the fact that Hiroshima was a peaceful protest

by the loving way just in case if your brain has caved in this is what the actual data is:

this is per capita. it factors in population. because white people outnumber black people like 5 to 1. this is how you actually do statistics. is white people dying bad? yes. people protesting police brutality also say this. holy stuff.

this too. please use your heads to actually think about stuff next time.

forget the drug war. decriminalize cocaine so i can finally take a hit in peace
« Last Edit: August 05, 2020, 11:07:58 AM by Gytyyhgfffff »

My favorite part is that the charts are literally made to look misleading

My favorite part is that the charts are literally made to look misleading
hows that

hows that
Take the orange bar graph for example:
-Exactly 0 labels on the Y axis
-The implication that all of the listed racial groups commit crimes that result in incarceration at the same rate
-Placing the data from smallest to largest instead of alphabetical - or by the estimated total of people in that racial group, or by any other means that make sense and that aren’t just “hurr durr me make orange bar look taller”
« Last Edit: August 05, 2020, 11:45:39 AM by TomsHere »

-Exactly 0 labels on the Y axis
holy stuff i can't loving believe it. this guy is actually literally entirely incapable of reading. look at the graph again. notice how it says "NUMBER OF PEOPLE INCARCERATED PER 100,000 PEOPLE IN EACH RACIAL OR ETHNIC CATEGORY". there's your motherloving y axis label. that's what the numbers mean you eyeless wonder.
-The implication that all of the listed racial groups commit crimes that result in incarceration at the same rate
you're not going to be able to summarize the entire state of the US criminal system in a single graph. for instance, people in POVERTY (NOT BY RACE!!!!!!!!) commit crimes more frequently than people who are not in poverty! wonder why that happens! despite this, black people still end up in prison way more often than their poor white counterparts! wow!!! its almost like the entire system is forgeted!!!!
-Placing the data from smallest to largest  instead of alphabetical or by the estimated total of people in that racial group or by any other means that makes sense and isn’t just hurr durr me make orange bar look taller
arranging the graph so its in alphabetical order will still mean that black people are disproportionately incarcerated smartass. try this for yourself. it'll blow your mind.

and "by the estimated total of people in that racial group" doesn't matter. the graph is PER CAPITA. what this means is population is factored into the loving numbers on the graph already. it means that you can make comparisons like "black people are in jail 5x as often as white people" and have that statement be entirely true. that's why the media is saying "black people are twice as likely to be shot by police than white people". look at the first graph. see how 31 / 13 approximately equals 2. hell, its greater than 2 even. go back to elementary school and learn how to read and do math again for the love of god.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2020, 11:53:51 AM by Gytyyhgfffff »

tfw black people are much more likely to commit crime, but ok, black people being arrested more is tooootally racial profiling

tfw black people are much more likely to commit crime, but ok, black people being arrested more is tooootally racial profiling
you just racially profiled and described racial profiling