Author Topic: feeling isolated  (Read 3126 times)

anyone got any advice I know most of ya don't care but just wondering if you got any ideas? Whenever I get bored I go into depressive states where I just lay around and do nothing. I become more isolated every day partly because of my own fault

Everything is the product of a habit. You have to change variables in your environment before you experience the negative feelings. The answer is preemptive action.

I get the same way, and I've found out that voice chatting on Discord helps a forgetton, either with friends or random people on some popular Discord

I get the same way, and I've found out that voice chatting on Discord helps a forgetton, either with friends or random people on some popular Discord

or just getting out of the same environment that I spend a lot of time in also helps, like getting out of the house and taking my dog for a walk

roll up with your coworkers. can't spell 'socialize' without some good bud

play apex legends with me. also I don't really suggest coming to this forum for such feelings






the above post is one big jah moment

f-forget i got trolled..

or just getting out of the same environment that I spend a lot of time in also helps, like getting out of the house and taking my dog for a walk
I shall attempt this.

play apex legends with me. also I don't really suggest coming to this forum for such feelings
Don't you hate my guts

get a job
i'm 15 and I do online school :/ I have no need for a job anyways at least for now I don't have any money rn but I don't need any either.