Yeah i'm totally LOSING my creative mind and need to get it back :c
I try to draw stuff but it usually has the same concepts and sometimes i just get bored :/ i used to draw for hours on end
Then i open blender.. usually to just close it seconds afterward.

You're entering adolescence, expect to lose creativity until twenty.

You're entering adolescence, expect to lose creativity until twenty.

Only geniuses (like me) can have both pubes and creativity at the same time

Only geniuses (like me) can have both pubes and creativity at the same time
Oh forget you. >:T

I wish I was more creative.
I usually just draw some bullstuff.
Usually from video games. Therefore, I blame them.
How to gain creativity?

I wish I was more creative.
I usually just draw some bullstuff.
Usually from video games. Therefore, I blame them.
How to gain creativity?
Lucid dreaming. Do it, ask for creativity/inspiration, in the dream. i can't induce a lucid dream EVERY time i need creativity though :/

You know what i'm going to do some bullstuff and make it come back.

I wish I was more creative.
I usually just draw some bullstuff.
Usually from video games. Therefore, I blame them.
How to gain creativity?

Stop thinking deep thoughts, try to have more fun and watch more TV.

I know how you feel, I obsessively carve マホ~ in every desk and bathroom stall at school. まほ~

I know how you feel, I obsessively carve マホ~ in every desk and bathroom stall at school. まほ~

You have type 2 dumbassery

I suggest one heavy dose of noosearoundyourneckium

I have an idea for you

try to draw people's avatars

I get times where I lose all creative talent for a little while.
I usually stop playing Blockland, drawing or playing Minecraft.
I delve back into the First Person Shooters. :c

But, it doesn't last long, maybe a week at most, perhaps once a month or two.
Creative Period. o:

I also find that reading books helps.

I know how you feel, I obsessively carve マホ~ in every desk and bathroom stall at school. まほ~
What do you carve?

Reading books doesn't help. Watch a lot of cartoons or even anime.

Watch more research, too. Also start eating more fruits and start laughing at funny things and befriending people online.

lol ike

Also yeah i usually model whats right in front of me or video game stuff
And shadow that'll be fun :D

Maybe i have a creative period or something because i remember the other day i came up with a hella sweet gun that didn't shoot lasers or bullets or food

I think i'll eat an apple right now cause that's tickling my fancy or something