Author Topic: What is the fastest way to travel in Blockland?  (Read 2552 times)

Screen go wierd != crash

Please use proper terms other than ones made up for VCE...
!= doesn't mean anything.

I know its supposed to represent 'Does not equal' but "=!" is not a proper mathematical term.
Your thinking of =/= or an = with a slash through it. That "=!" is just some VCE nonsense.

That "=!" is just some VCE nonsense.
First of all its !=
Second it's the operator for "not equal to" used by many programming languages
For a coder typing != is just a habit over typing =/=

First of all its !=
Second it's the operator for "not equal to" used by many programming languages
For a coder typing != is just a habit over typing =/=

Thats nice and all, but please use terms that anyone can understand.
Because I dont code, VCE to me is a mess and so are it's coding terms.

But you obviously understand what he was saying, so...what's the issue?

Can we have some legitimate TRAVELING ways and not instantaneous dematerialisation on one spot and materialisation on the other?

Can we have some legitimate TRAVELING ways and not instantaneous dematerialisation on one spot and materialisation on the other?
function player::useless(%this) {%this.setveclocity("200 200 200"); %this.schedule(20,useless);}

No using the console aaaaaaaa.

Can we have some legitimate TRAVELING ways and not instantaneous dematerialisation on one spot and materialisation on the other?
Absurdly fast vehicle is the answer. Probably want it to be a flying one.

Absurdly fast vehicle is the answer. Probably want it to be a flying one.

No using the console aaaaaaaa.

Making a vehicle or editing a vehicle does not require the Blockland console.

Unless you mean continuous travel, then it'd probably be the Fierbird R2.  Which is actually crap-on'd  or banned or something.
Also the crouch racer can be modified to go faster.