Author Topic: Tommy Gun  (Read 7695 times)

Okay, I've been waiting for one of these for awhile now so I have created the legendary Tommy Gun!!

Gun Download Link:

Is the model on this bad? I know I didn't put the shoulder rest on but I had my reasons...

Is the model on this bad? I know I didn't put the shoulder rest on but I had my reasons...

Whoa, extreme desa fu. (sp)

Models ok I guess. Could make the handle on an angle like most guns are.

I tried to but the block character's hand is straight and would go right through part of it.

Shoulnt the clip be round?

An please only zip your addons folder, not -blockland-. My blockland folder isnt named -blockland-

Yeah sorry, must have been tired when I did that. My future guns will be better.

Oh and btw its a tommy gun, WWII weapon, it does not have a rounded clip. Type it into google images.

First result was this:

See, it does have a drum(Unless you mean THIS version doesn't)
Model looks pwn.

It's spelt Deja vu.

Nice, 2 guns in 1....nvm its like 3:00 AM , 2 days.. nice job :D

I wanted the drum magazine :(

The Tommy Gun has both drum and clip magazines, I think that the drum would slighty cover part of the screen.

Considering the drum is under the barrel it'd hardly cut off any important part of the screen.

here what i got to say bout' this wepon:

the good.
the bullet trail looks RTBish
an't loud like that M614 (spell numberd correctly?) someone made

the bad.
missing textures (one or two. i forget)
press q twice and your arm does not come up