
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 162426 times)

last minute going for gold op

climbed from silver 4 to silver 2 28lp so far, i will never give up

last minute going for gold op

climbed from silver 4 to silver 2 28lp so far, i will never give up

I doubt that youre going to make it. You have a few hours.

i got cho'gath

the nomming crusade begins

Enemy shen has 254 armor and 3.8k HP and team expects me as adc to be able to dmg him

Enemy shen has 254 armor and 3.8k HP and team expects me as adc to be able to dmg him
Last whispers + high AD + Crit Rate + Attack Speed + IE can be pretty damn devastating for a tank.

I doubt that youre going to make it. You have a few hours.
way to be a downer lol

i've hit gold promos 3 times. maybe today will be my 4th and final

Went from 0 lp in silver I to gold V without losing. Only took me 7 games, so it is definitely possible.

Last whispers + high AD + Crit Rate + Attack Speed + IE can be pretty damn devastating for a tank.
Yeah I was lucian
I had a last whisper and a triforce and a bloodthirster, and couldn't get to IE because I needed a defensive item.

annie is quickly becoming my new favorite champ

4th time's the charm. c;
gold v.

I guess i did it 2x? xD

Yeah I was lucian
I had a last whisper and a triforce and a bloodthirster, and couldn't get to IE because I needed a defensive item.

I build IE first on Lucian. :) Burst early, goodbye botlane.

I didn't make it to my goal of Silver 4, I got so close to the series to get in, but whatever, next season I'll focus on improving and go for gold.

It's certainly possible because I did B5 to S5 this season in about 300 or so games, so S5 to G5 should be an achievable goal