
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 161822 times)

He isn't when this stuff happens.
you entirely ignored his passive when damaging with your Q, if you just AA then Q right away, it's an instant double AA

I know I was handicapped there but the point was that my ult went on cd without casting.

Ps that was that 20/2 game so it doesn't really  matter, just thought it was weird.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2015, 06:22:33 PM by TheArmyGuy »

ummmmmmmmmmmm, no ravenous...?

i was trying a full tannk build

someone gift me varus pls

someone gift me varus pls
Gift you varus? Never spend rp on anything you can get with ip.

Gift you varus? Never spend rp on anything you can get with ip.
didn't realize you couldn't gift with ip

omg wukong
New cleaver sick on wukong. <3

I understand your build and everyone has their favorite. But man. Damage on wukong is so sick. Hydra, cleaver, lw. And then frozen heart. 40% cdr. Dish out that damage. And more defensive.. :D

edit: just won wukong mid, woop woop

double edit: got wukong on aram 4 times the past days. monkey hype
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 01:32:31 PM by Ladle »

ap wukong, dash to them then w, your new teamfight ability forget your R i unbinded that stuff along with my number 4

A while back I concluded that AP wukong good for training against bots
IK ur joking but rebind that R key and dash to them, W, then immediately ult
close to guarantees it if you land it right

ffs i hate playing against riven

...they're always so toxic too

ffs i hate playing against riven

...they're always so toxic too
Sounds like more of an ELO thing. Maybe counter pick with someone who has a silence? (Cho/Garen)
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 03:03:53 PM by Shadowed999 »

Sounds like more of an ELO thing. Maybe counter pick with someone who has a silence? (Cho/Garen)
Garen is a really hard matchup for Riven. Riven has the lowest hp/10 in the game and Garen's passive gives him one of, if not the highest hp regens in the game apart from mundo ult. A silence will force Riven to back off/will forget up her combo and will silence her until her Q goes back on cooldown, greatly reducing her trading power. That, and the fact that Garen gets bonus resists from his W active and passive and he has a pretty high health/level make Garen really super annoying for me when I play Riven. Cho is a little easier to face because outside of his silence, he's VERY easy to duel. He has no mobility and is very squishy early on, which makes it very easy to kill him early, and as you know, a riven with a couple early kills can snowball into an unstoppable monster.