Author Topic: Blemes! Topic  (Read 4141 times)

A moderator locked it. No reason was given. I even sent BS a PM.

What is going on? I demand a reason for:
A) The lock
B) Why nobody even told me why it was locked
C) Why Badspot chooses not to reply to a polite email.


You gonna get banned o.o Oh, btw Spation thinks this is gonna cause Forum Revolution...idiot...

B) We don't care.
C) He doesn't care.

FU Shadow. You fap to the sound of Living fapping.

All I want is a freaking explanation. This is censorship, and general disrespect.


Listen stop being so dramatical Spation.

You know it wasn't directed at you Shadowhero. But now it may as well be. 'Cause some of us would be smart enough to realise the name of the person who posted just previous to you.

Spations angry, Living stopped fapping for Spation :cookieMonster:

Shadow fails at creating lols. I don't mean you Shadowhero, I'm just clarifying for you. We know you need it.

I'm confused.
A mod locked my topic, I haven't got a reason. Shadow decided to be a pain in the ass about it, both of them this time.

You know it wasn't directed at you Shadowhero. But now it may as well be. 'Cause some of us would be smart enough to realise the name of the person who posted just previous to you.

 :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster:

Your all gay, Except Spayshun