Author Topic: Pokémon VG Megathread  (Read 730765 times)

i feel like i kind of want to get espurr and maybe pancham on my team, should i switch anyone out?

     -Chesnaught Lvl 71
     -Sylveon Lvl 65
     -Snorlax Lvl 65
     -Greninja  Lvl 37
     -Charizard Lvl 71
     -Raichu Lvl 71

also if anyone could get me a perfect IV espurr or whatever that would be awesome

Swap chesnaught for espurr

i think everyone should harass drmobius for his dittos, as in he should add everyone ever because ditto is too OP in a safari

you could afford to replace delphox with zygarde, as you have a lot of fire types in your team.
Are you srs bro?
My updated team:
Blaziken(with mega stone)
Mewtwo(with mega stone)
Lucario(with mega stone)
Charizard(with mega stone)
HM slave

I also recently caught Zygarde. Is it worth adding to my team?
Dude get rid of the charizard unless your on X delphox is The best fire type starter (fire psychic not fire- fighting) also how does one get mewtwo?
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 08:02:56 AM by chaos 2 »

how does one get mewtwo?
Go to the pokemon village and search for a cave. You need surf to get to it. Inside the cave he will just be standing there waiting for someone to battle. I went through 11 ultra balls before I got him so bring a lot.

EDIT: I am not getting rid of my charizard or my delphox. There's a reason I have a lot of fire types on my team. I thought I should maybe get rid of lucario because I already have mewtwo, and they are both very similar.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 08:51:51 AM by blueblur121 »

Go to the pokemon village and search for a cave. You need surf to get to it. Inside the cave he will just be standing there waiting for someone to battle. I went through 11 ultra balls before I got him so bring a lot.

EDIT: I am not getting rid of my charizard or my delphox. There's a reason I have a lot of fire types on my team. I thought I should maybe get rid of lucario because I already have mewtwo, and they are both very similar.
Thanks and you chould get rid of lucario also do you need to  beat the game to get mewtwo?

you chould get rid of lucario
do you need to  beat the game to get mewtwo?
I think all you need is to get to the pokemon village and use surf to get to the cave.

having more than one pokemon with a megastone equipped is super pointless imo
you'll want to just decide on one to have it and give the others more useful items

iunno let me reiterate
i know it's debatable that "hey it'll be a surprise when this one megaevolves" or "you'll never know when this'll come in handy"
is it better to leave it up to chance? i know it has to do with "strategic deployment" but i'd rather devote one to have a megastone so i know when to use that pokemon in the situation that needs it, and it's more dependable to me.

but hey if you like the element of surprise, no-holds-bars
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 11:26:22 AM by Flamecannon »

i switched my snorlax for espurr idk

should i let espurr evolve or no

i switched my snorlax for espurr idk

should i let espurr evolve or no
if you think its stats and moves are good, yes

i just got this from my sister:

"There have been rumors going around that people have been sending Pokemon over Wonder Trade which have turned into these Eggs. There have also been reports of them mysteriously appearing in games, with no apparent reason why. As far as trading goes, the process goes smoothly, but once you actually receive said glitchy Pokemon, it TRANSFORMS into a “Mystery Egg” - or in the case of it randomly appearing, it'll just be there in a PC Box. This “Mystery Egg” acts sort of like a “Bad Egg” from previous generations. Basically it becomes an egg that can’t do anything. You can’t release it, trade it, or hatch it. It's an invalid checksum. The difference between an older “Bad Egg” and a “Mystery Egg”, though… is Mystery Eggs can multiply. They can also appear out of nowhere, with no warning. Mystery Eggs can corrupt the PC box that they're in and can also corrupt every Pokemon within that box, AS WELL as any other box it's been in. EVERY BOX THE EGG HAS BEEN IN WILL BECOME INFECTIOUS. Here's a video with the Mystery Egg: Here’s a thread discussing what may cause Mystery Eggs: According to the video, he didn’t actually get it from Wonder Trading, but going through the comments and some forum boards, some people HAVE been affected by Wonder Trading. This is most likely due to corrupted data mid-trade that results in the egg being “created”. If you have a Mystery Egg, here are some of the things you should / shouldn’t do: 1. Do NOT touch the Mystery Egg! That means no checking moves, stats, anything. It may have an item attached, do not attempt to retrieve the item! 2. The box the Mystery Egg is in is immediately QUARANTINED. Immediately remove ALL Pokemon from the quarantined box. PUT THEM IN THEIR OWN BOX AND WATCH THEM CAREFULLY. Once the Egg has been in a box, that box will be PERMANENTLY infectious. 3. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT attempt to withdraw the Mystery Egg. Do NOT attempt to hatch the egg either. 4. Your primary goal is to save all your Pokemon from infection. Treat a Mystery Egg like you would a zombie pathogen that spreads via air. Keep it as far away from EVERYTHING as you can. Thanks for reading all this, and hope you don't experience this."

thought a lot of you would enjoy this

my shiny adventures are naught, but i've been itching to try out two pokemon that are known to be pretty annoying as far as i know, shuckle and blissey, so far i've got a chansey that i'm going to try for just a high hp IV and whenever i get shuckle, a high def IV


I'm pretty sure it's fake, the video source was almost exactly 1 day after the launch of the game, while the hacks were 2 weeks afterward.

I'm pretty sure it's fake, the video source was almost exactly 1 day after the launch of the game, while the hacks were 2 weeks afterward.

It's not caused by hacking, it's caused by a hiccup in Nintendo's servers and it's been happening since release