Author Topic: 2012/02/05 - Shadows and Shaders vs. Interiors and Terrain [Fan Art Too]  (Read 431203 times)

Terrain & interiors have to stay. What kind of crap idea is it to eliminate 90% of the modding community for a purely aesthetic feature that most kids with netbooks won't even be able to use.
3309 mods on RTB, 6% of which are maps.

To add onto my minirant earlier, interiors is what originally defined Blockland. Other games don't provide a unique environment for every artist. New artists might hesitate to build too, as now they're forced to build things from scratch. This probably will put off new builders, people who could hone their artistic skill through practice. A white expanse to work in isn't very encouraging when there's nothing to base your ideas off of.
Yeah! There's totally not hundreds of games that have editable level content!

Interiors and terrain maps provide a solid ground for new builders to start. Who hasn't thought of ski lifts on slopes? "Toy" builds in Bedroom? Food builds in kitchen? When you give people an empty slate, you literally force them to create their own foundation, and many who don't enjoy this art form won't be able to do so.

Another problem with having slate-only maps is that it encourages build stealing. When new people don't have a foundation to build off of, they try to find one, which usually results in stolen builds that are "rebuilt" from scratch. This reduces creativity and just leads to filling this community with more unoriginal builders.
Firstly, interiors are absolutely stuff. I can make up statistics too and say that about 95% of the maps in this game have realistic-shaped and realistic-textured interiors and terrains. It does not fit in with this game at all, when the rest of the models are built on a blocky and cartoony setup. Let's think about this here.. when someone posts a weapon in the add-ons section that is over-realistic, what happens? People tell them it doesn't fit in with the game, and it doesn't. And then, when it comes the time when likewise is going to happen with maps, people have a big hissy fit about it.

Try making a map for Garry's Mod if it's such a big deal for you to make realistic artwork. It has a bigger community and appreciates it more. You're complaining about not being able to make worlds for a building game that is based on inter-connectible blocks inside a completely seperate program using polygons.

And no one in the admin staff, or even the mature people here (I really hate to pull this card, but it's the truth) actually gives a flying stuff about builds being stolen. When you're hosting a public server with a build, you're saying "come and see my build, you have the absolute freedom to save it and do what you want with it". If you don't want to take the chance, host private servers.

tl;dr - Deal with it. Interiors and terrain are stuff and do not fit in with the game, just like how realistic weapons don't fit in.

If light still shines through bricks and prints still glow this will be a pretty disappointing addon. I was excited because I thought it meant light didnt shine through.

I am sure we will improve this as we go. Prints will be affected by lighting. Not every light will have shadows, but just having sun cast shadows is a HUGE improvement.

I see those coming in the future though. Best lay out the base and fix early than have a mess later on.

Will you allow people to keep the current version without forcing the update?

You can archive any build you want but we will not maintain old versions.

I can't wait to see how my buildds will look.

Destiny I think they fit in fine. This ain't roblox (yet).

How would this affect dark maps?

Or are these getting removed also.

Yeah! There's totally not hundreds of games that have editable level content!
Not easy to learn, intuitive as blockland.

Quote from OP:

"But my computer can’t run shaders/is lame and slow/has broken drivers!" Get a new video card, even a $20 lame-o ATI or nVidia video card can run Blockland very well these days. BUT - you can turn shaders off, and the game will run and look as good as it ever has.

Oh, wow I forgot about that. My apologies.
Actually, my question still kinda stands on how much will it change with shaders enabled?
« Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 11:02:58 PM by DaSord213 »

Could you post some more pictures of these?

How would this affect dark maps?

Or are these getting removed also.

Dark maps are awesome, but obviously no sun == no shadows. :) So it will basically look the same as it does now, maybe a little better.

This discussion is not about level editors -- kompressor
« Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 11:01:36 PM by kompressor »

What's going to happen to the Tutorial map? :c

Answered in -- kompressor
« Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 11:02:34 PM by kompressor »

Dark maps are awesome, but obviously no sun == no shadows. :) So it will basically look the same as it does now, maybe a little better.
So, question:

I build a really nice house out of bricks in a lit map. I forgot to add windows and the door is closed. What will the inside of the house be like?