Author Topic: ASDFMOVIE 7  (Read 8577 times)

muffin was the only redeeming factor

remind me to bring earplugs to school on monday

At first I thought "oh noooo awkward references" but then I remembered I'm about that age where nobody cares anymore.

Muffin and upside down frown made me laugh

Everything else i didn't really like

If it's garbage, then shouldn't anyone with a computer just be able to open MS Paint and make one themselves?
no and that doesn't change anything, a lot of things have effort put into them but that doesn't change its quality.
No, making garbage obviously takes weeks to do and an entire team of people to complete.
Don't diss it just because it's not your type of humor. There are many people (myself included) who enjoyed it a lot. There is most likely humor you find hilarious that I wouldn't even crack a grin at.
The type of humor portrayed is simply random violence and was, contrary to what you said previously, obviously not made over the course of weeks by a team of people, if it was, I have to say they really didn't give it their all, most people could of thought of that in less than an hour (I know most of the time was spent animating but animation is not a priority over actual jokes in a video like this.)
But I'm not going to say bad things about it; I know somebody enjoys it, which is good enough for me.
If you're that "Everybody should keep your opinions to themselves" person why is this here?
I'm pretty sure that humor is still there
I don't know about you, but it pretty much deserted the series and left it to die in this one.
(they even refresh some of the old jokes, keeping them going).
not even all of their content was from this video, scratch that, you could make the scenes for this video in 5 minutes.
If you don't like it, either move on, find humor that fits your fancy, or make your own.
I believe you said something before about how not everybody can make these kinds of videos

I'm not here to hate on people's sense of humor but this was just a waste of animation and I think many people would agree with me on that point, perhaps I do have a different sense of humor but I enjoyed the older videos and this one was just garbage.
Muffin and upside down frown made me laugh

Everything else i didn't really like sucked

Time for that group of handicapped sophomores to shove this down everyone's throat for the next year.

I hate them, i hate them so much.
i even tried to make it the least amount of "freshman hate!!" as possible and you still started fuming

At first I thought "oh noooo awkward references" but then I remembered I'm about that age where nobody cares anymore.
I sit at a table of high school seniors and they still obsess over it and jointly quote it.

If it's garbage, then shouldn't anyone with a computer just be able to open MS Paint and make one themselves? No, making garbage obviously takes weeks to do and an entire team of people to complete.

dont gotta be a chef to know bad food

This stuffty series is still alive?
Hipsters these days.
"ogm so fune"
*two months later*
"Lame, now all the stupid people who repeat it."

i don't think these were ever funny

Look, what I said about the quality was meant to be taken quite literally - I mean the production quality, not the humor. Any person who's ever done something like this, or even attempted to (i.e. me) will tell you that it's waaay more involved than most people imagine. The general public is usually ignorant of how much work goes into animation, and therefore have a lack of respect for the animators who spend hours and hours of their time doing this. Also, some of what I said was sarcasm, in case any of you didn't get that.

Also, outright dissing someone's work and calling it garbage is an opinion, yes - but it's also possible to show some respect when giving an opinion. But I guess I should just get it into my head that respectful dislike is a rare gem online. It's almost always "you love it or you hate it and have to explicitly state just how much you hate it".
i don't think these were ever funny
See, now this is an opinion stating dislike, but without the usual "omg it's a piece of trash" comments following it.

I think it's obvious, they've run out of ideas.

1-3 were amazing, 4 was great, 5 and 6 were okay.