Author Topic: If laziness wasn't a problem, what would you create for Blockland?  (Read 2137 times)

I would want to create a massive terrain gamemode where each player gets to freebuild in constantly changing terrain as they walk.

However this is less of a laziness thing and more of a Blockland's ghosting limits thing.

  • finish KD
  • finish all of my big projects
  • Make that Urban TDM I've been talking to Harm about for a while now
  • Finish KD 2

a weekly voiced video award for the most autistic forumer of the week

If time wasn't an issue and I had the resources I need.

That RPG I started?
It would be done.

If I wasn't lazy, I'd make some goddamn Super Murder Mystery maps already

laziness shouldn't be a problem to begin with

i will make a fantastic rpg that i will try hard as possible to make actually good
i will make various support scripts for truly fantastic opportunity
i will make fantastic things indeded i wl

i'd create a small skyrim-based gamemode

I'd script in a system for clans to use. Perhaps it'd be based off rtb. When they are online you can recruit them into your clan. It would interact with a forum page. It would have several options for you to use, member position. Server control over guild sponsored servers. Certain members could recruit people and it would all be connect to my Teamspeak. It would have a private save server for each individual guild. Etc etc etc. Perhaps inactivity timers, messages that can be sent much like the forum. But I'm lazy, and not motivated to learn to do anything close to that xD

I would script, build, and model for Blockland. I would make a server for myself that will be so epic. I would build so epicly.

Various fun-tastic weapons.
I actually have quite a few ideas...

I'd find the time to learn torque scripting and design Blockland cars, make my own city rp gamemode and make massively realistic builds like Sylvanor

I would make an AT AT vehicle

constantly makes add-ons for Blockland
Lives in basement
1. Unbox it.
2. Power on.
3. Collect Add-ons from the AI's Ass.
4. ???

EDIT: its an addon making addon