Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8820093 times)

size 12 :(
Is there a reason youre holding your shoe to your crotch?
Is there a reason you can see your genitals through your pants?


look at how Mexican i am
as in my camera flash is 10000% overkill so look near the wrist

So Mexican.

Looks kind of like my arm actually, except I got a farmers tan past the elbow.

Remove the image dumbass

Remove the image dumbass
Calm down, I did.
I also had a typo to fix.

godammit julia
gareth = hiiro

cut that stuff

shave it all

donate to cancer

There's 'lush hair' and then there's 'a mop fell on my head'

There's 'lush hair' and then there's 'a mop fell on my head'
It becomes a mop when you can't see the persons ears.

what a pusillanimous individual i cut my long lushious mop and now girls don't dig me but i DEAL WITH IT

what a pusillanimous individual i cut my long lushious mop and now girls don't dig me but i DEAL WITH IT

Yea I'm like a mega super hotty with long hair and with short hair I'm only a regular hotty but I get by.

Having long hair on a guy isn't even a style anymore. It's just stuff.
Cut hair and stylize it (and don't be stuff at it) -> get bitches

I had long hair before it was cool aka before jb was famous lol and I don't stylize it if you count putting gel n stuff in it as styling

if i've ever seen a hipster that is it

his hair looks greasy, must've recently mopped a floor