Author Topic: stuff THAT GETS YOU MAD V999  (Read 17977 times)

Can you name one good thing about blacks???
the cotton fields

people who wear plastic watches to school and sit in the corner at lunch and play minecraft and talk to no one.

When someone makes a joke about something serious or something that got you mad, while you're still angry about it.

people who wear plastic watches to school and sit in the corner at lunch and play minecraft and talk to no one.
why would losers make you mad

don't you get a powertrip at your superior status as pass-god

when my candy van is weighed down by too many chil- i mean too much candy

why would losers make you mad

don't you get a powertrip at your superior status as pass-god
sorry didnt realize there were LOSERS here to defend their fellow LOSERS

woo go football.
im on varsity team ur not fuk off l0sre

When there is literally no conceivable logical explanation for why your code is not working as it should.

when my candy van is weighed down by too many chil- i mean too much candy

When people pretend to be child enthusiasts on the internet because they (And most people it seems) think it's funny.

When people pretend to be child enthusiasts on the internet because they (And most people it seems) think it's funny.
its not like i do it regularly lol

Loud noises
High pitched noises
bad teachers that demand respect for no reason
people who think nothing is wrong with the american government
people who think minecraft is the greatest thing ever
people who think java is good because minecraft used it
everyone who thinks they are some how better than other people because they play sports
people who get obsessed over sports
people who don't care about school
people who care too much about school
teachers who dont care about school
people who do drugs
people who don't like tea
people who think I'm weird because I really like tea
when I show person A something then goes around telling everyone it
bad admins
bad super admins
bad hosts
bad servers
people who talk about video games during class
people who call themselves "Anonymous"
people who use LOIC/sqlmap who call themselves hackers
people who use winject and blhack who call themselves hackers
people who abuse events who call themselves hackers
people who open up Tor and go on the hidden wiki and call them selves hackers
people who call them selves trolls
people who abuse trust (real life trust)
people who think apple is great and can't tell me why
people who are homophobic
Scientology for making religious ads
people who say mocheeze isn't dead
every single emo person who has and ever will live
people who say every single person alive shouldn't be allowed to swear
people who say swearing is "cussing"
people who pride themselves on their ability to be complete richards
people who spam anything
people who think that crypto currencies are going to "crash and burn"
people who think that MtGox was the final straw
people who think that all torrenting is illegal
the NSA
people who agree with the NSA
people who support the NSA
people who think that can code because that can copy and paste a hello world or write HTML
people who think Nintendo is the greatest thing ever
people who actually believe in stereotypes
when teachers assign alot of homework and then dont check it
anyone/everyone who values sports over education
people who obsess over videogames
people who think all americans are fat and lazy
wordy comics
annoying people
#people #who #over #use #hash#t#a#g#s#####
people who can't live without technology
people who drink a lot of alcohol to "have fun"
people who think alcohol > tea
people who think anyformofliquidthatisn'tliquidoxygen > tea
people who call other people script kiddies
people who say nice things sarcastically to you
girls who think they are great because they are girls
girls who demand respect because they are girls
girls who do anything because they are girls
guys who do anything for girls because they are girls
girls who do anything for guys because they are guys
people who think they can fail school and do fine in life
when people fight (socially/physically)
people who take >1 "selfies" a day

yeah uhm, thats not even half the list but you get it.
I get mad quite easily
also I probably said something incorrectly or maybe didn't mean something the way I typed it, but you should be able to get the general idea of what I mean.

Anyone who folds up their armrests in the car.
When my brother and grandma rearrange the cabinets because then I have to fix everything when I unload the dishes.

-Holy loving stuff-
yeah uhm, thats not even half the list but you get it.
I get mad quite easily
also I probably said something incorrectly or maybe didn't mean something the way I typed it, but you should be able to get the general idea of what I mean.
I can only list like 5 things. Jesus christ.

Those snooty high elves.