Author Topic: Deceased Box's Server is Travelling Through a Mobius Strip  (Read 3404 times)

This is basically what's happening:

I am absolutely at my wits end.  I've lost my marbles.  The tea has been spilt.  The milk has been knocked over.  The toast has been burned.  The sugar is on the floor, and it turned sticky.
This happens   o v e r   a n d   o v e r   a n d   o v e r   i n f i n i t e l y   w i t h   n o   e n d   i n   s i g h t

Our server keeps resetting to a certain point in time.  This wouldn't be a problem if

THIS LITTLE stuff wasn't being made SAdmin again every single day.  He comes and wreaks havoc to anything that the other SAdmins create - he has the audacity to delete my precious Barad Dur, MY 10752x2 FORTRESS.
  "Wha? What's happening?  Is that Fastlane down there?  No!  Sto-"
He destroys my fellow SAdmin []Lucario[]'s beach house, he griefs community buildings, he abuses the Monk Server Pack commands, he screws around with the environment settings, he bans random people, he deliberately crashes the server, this is full-spectrum-warfare.  The gloves are off.  Let's get this sorted.

Nobody destroys my precious and gets away with it.  P.S.  The reason why I didn't post this in the Drama section was because degenerates lurk there and will spark something offtopic instead of actually helping me.  This bit is just to convey how serious the matter is.

Everything resets.  Everything.  Any announcements and news that I create to inform people of changes? Poof.  Any changes I make to what Admins and SAdmins can and can't do?  Poof.  I make the settings so that only the Host can access them?  Poof.  Unsavory people on the ban list?  Abra Cadabra: Bano no existo.  I make someone auto-admin that is actually worthy to be an admin?  Oh look, not admin anymore.  Events and add-ons that have been enabled or disabled by the Host?  Reverted.

Something must have happened on the day that Possessed Cookie (Fastlane) was made SAdmin to make the server preferences to reset to that exact time, because we didn't have this problem before then. but I don't know what that could be.  No one does.

If anyone has any idea what could be causing this, please help.  If you need more information, I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

P.S.  I forgot to mention that the environment settings revert as well.

Is this drama, stuff posting, or need actual help?

P.S.  I forgot to mention that the environment settings revert as well.
Check if you have an add-on causing this, or if your settings are set to read-only

Is this drama, stuff posting, or need actual help?
Check if you have an add-on causing this, or if your settings are set to read-only

Read-only settings?  I'll pass that on and see if it's the case.  Thank you.

as ive mentioned in pm, seems like problem is related to resetting preferences via blockland glass, which expects you to close your servers properly (eg: quit();) and not by killing the BL process (eg, hitting x on the console window)

as ive mentioned in pm, seems like problem is related to resetting preferences via blockland glass, which expects you to close your servers properly (eg: quit();) and not by killing the BL process (eg, hitting x on the console window)

Hopefully I'll try to confirm this, as well as the read-only possibility, tomorrow evening.  Deceased hinted that he would investigate it but I don't know what the progress is as of now.  I'll know it's been fixed if the server changes is the same as it was two days ago.

I'll get back to this thread ASAP.

if he quit the server forcefully 2 days ago, or the settings were read-only, changing the actions now would not retroactively bring back the old preferences


The ban list hasn't reverted so far, I think this is the 3rd or 4th day now.  It would have reset by now, so I think the issue has been solved.

I've yet to speak to Deceased about it though, so I'll let you all know how that goes.

Update:  The issue has been solved!  The Glass preferences were resetting the server, as Conan suggested.  Thank you for your help.

The thread will now be locked.