
ban le guns in USA?

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74 (70.5%)

Total Members Voted: 105

Author Topic: gun control  (Read 7196 times)

Banning guns? No. Improved gun control? Definitely.

They're simply too accessible, and there's no reason for them to be. People using them for legitimate purposes can still do so with tighter laws surrounding gun acquisition.

Even in Australia, where most people think guns are 'banned', hunters can still buy guns to hunt, sport shooters can still use them for sport. What we don't have over here is looneys who can easily obtain a gun and go on a massacre.

how many incidents have there actually been of the whole 'good guy with a gun stops bad guy with a gun'?

Happened at a grocery store about 15 miles from me recently. The bad guy ended up dead in a parking lot and the good guy was hailed as a hero by witnesses and law enforcement.

Happened at a grocery store about 15 miles from me recently. The bad guy ended up dead in a parking lot and the good guy was hailed as a hero by witnesses and law enforcement.
Those kinds of anecdotes aren't really representative of reality. For instance, more gun ownership doesn't really tend to correlate with less gun deaths:


Additionally, the high estimates of defensive gun usages in the US are extrapolated from a randomized study performed in 1995 with 5,000 participants, one which was rebuked years later for experimental issues (social desirability bias, for instance, which accounted for the possibility of 99 false-positive reports per every 100 people surveyed, assuming 1% of people end up using their gun defensively). There were also issues with the way the study was randomized, including the fact that over 60% of people answering the phone survey didn't complete it, meaning that it's entirely possible that gun owners strategically committed to completing the survey, being well-aware of the debate over defensive gun use...

Yes, I'm aware of the fact that my post is pretty much an ad-verbatim summary of the abstract of that study. It's not my own original research.