Author Topic: I Just Joined :D  (Read 2369 times)

I just Got My Fourms Account And I Love It!


Don't Type Like This
Don't Overuse Emotes

Stupid Question:

How do you change your profile picture?

Stupid Question:

How do you change your profile picture?

Go to profile and forum profile information, and there will be a choose file button. That's where you select an avatar for yourself. If you want your avatar to be a gif or transparent, it must be 75x75 or smaller.

Welcome aboard
Run while you can ;-;

altaltaltalt new guy is yola
Welcome aboard, never use emotes, talk normally (Not Like This), don't break rules, and you will have a great time.

I think emotes are fine as long as there isn't more than 1 per like, every 5 posts.

the only emote that people seem to be consistently OK with is using the cookie monster to denote that you're joking

so it's probably best to just straight-up not use emotes

Be a rebel and use emotes, Don't let the masses hold you down.  :iceCream:

dammit tails no stop corrupting the youth

he seems impressionable stop being such a bad influence

Welcome to the forums!

I met you ingame, welcome aboard to the Forums Express

You might want to read this thread before going further, so you don't get banned already from breaking certain rules: