
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 162262 times)

It shouldnt take long. Did you play 10 matches?

Yeah got seeded in Silver V.
I'm a little disappointed cause I did really well in most of my games but i only won 2 of them.
I feel like I could have placed better.

Yeah got seeded in Silver V.
I'm a little disappointed cause I did really well in most of my games but i only won 2 of them.
I feel like I could have placed better.
I got placed Bronze V and had to climb my way to silver. That was NOT an enjoyable experience, I almost had an aneurysm because I knew I didn't belong in bronze for a fact, and it took like 300 painful games to get out. The math eventually does work in your favor to climb, it just takes A LOT of games for that to be apparent. For every troll, rager, and feeder on your team, there will be a 60% chance that next game, the enemy team has the troll or rager or feeder and only a 40% chance you do, provided you don't troll, rage, or feed. I'm a top lane main so my advice may not be relevant, but I've found that picking something safe with some ability to farm under pressure is the key to winning lane every game. Someone like malphite with his ridiculous bonus shield, or Mundo who can farm with cleavers and becomes an unkillable, ridiculously strong tank with stuffloads of tenacity. Top lane is more of a 1v1 lane than anything and it usually comes down to either the matchup or someone playing stupid and getting caught that determines the lane.

If you ever want to play with someone else in silver, hit me up, I'm currently silver 4 and main jungle, support, and top comfortably.

Still waiting for my ahri splash to come back :c

Still waiting for my ahri splash to come back :c

they canceled it.

ok those new skins are cool and all but anyone else hyped for sly cooper twitch??

i wish twitch would go free i want to try him

i am so bored with all my champs right now but i dont have enough ip to buy any new ones ;~;

Still waiting for my ahri splash to come back :c

are you kidding she looked like a loving mexican in that splash

are you kidding she looked like a loving mexican in that splash
Why is that a bad thing?

Well it's not the ethnicity she's supposed to represent

Well it's not the ethnicity she's supposed to represent

not to mention league already has a black and an amazon we really shouldnt spoil it with even more minorities

so what's the best path for vi on her first clear?

I like starting krugs, particularly on champs that have an auto attack refresh