Author Topic: Explain your first time you got/bought blockland  (Read 1940 times)

I was about 8 or 9 years old, and I had seen and played the demo of v20, and I asked my dad a night before christmas, "Dad, there is this game called blockland, can you get it for me?" and I was suprised when he said "Yes." I was super happy and afterwards, downloaded it and hosted a server all night long, It was my favorite memory of blockland yet.

i was like 11 and i was like "how do i use these controls"
then 2 days later i added my first addon and hosted a stuffty freebuild which ending up with me banning everyone involved
then 4 days later i added some more addons and started getting into building and town rps (yuck)
then it sort of escalated from there

I was like 12 or so and saw an ad on Roblox about it and well, began to play the demo until I managed to get enough money to buy a key.

when i was binging roblox short films when i was 10 i came across swholli's star wars short and i was like holy stuff you can't do this in roblox time to move to blockland

There have been 3 threads today about Blockland in Off Topic, why aren't you posting this in General Discussion?

i found some ad on roblox for blockland and i clicked on it and downloaded the demo back in v18 and about a week after i finally bought it

I hosted a server and built the twin towers in the bedroom map. I got blockland as a gift for my 10th b-day but i had demo for like a year prior to that

it was funny because i had the random color option on in the server settings so i would build a floor and then take a couple minutes to recolor the whole floor into the appropriate colors.

i was like 9 years old, saw an ad for blockland, and begged my younger brother to give me 10 dollars so i could afford the 20 dollar purchase for blockland and then i made my mom buy it for me with her debit card

my friends insist that they introduced it to me but i swear to god around a year before that i was moving from virginia back to colorado and i stopped at one of my parents' friend's house and their kid was playing blockland
i continuously hosted a server that i called "fort wars" which was, conceptually, damn good, but instead i just tried my hardest to use as many of the bricks in the special tab as i could
« Last Edit: September 21, 2017, 11:54:10 PM by Drydess »

but instead i just tried my hardest to use as many of the bricks in the special tab as i could
speaking of that do you remember when buildings in blockland were pretty much just rainbow bricks without a baseplate?

also the literal first time i played blockland i wanted to play with other people
so, naturally, i went to SINGLE PLAYER, started up slopes, and yelled in chat thinking that people could just find me in game sort of like an mmo
« Last Edit: September 21, 2017, 11:57:59 PM by Daswiruch »

my favorite blockland memory has to be the NWB suburb/neighborhood server that was hosted from like winter 2009 to summer 2010. it was the first server i basically dedicated my little child life to.

that server and clan drove me to be a better builder, eventually becoming a member of both AoB and cohort. forget i really miss the good old days of blockland. people say v8 was the golden age man but nah 2010-2014 was the stuff. dont even get me started on zapk's rising lava i mean i was a little stuff back then but god damn i miss that server and all the other servers that were popular during those years

speaking of that do you remember when buildings in blockland were pretty much just rainbow bricks without a baseplate?
i also remember going around onto random people's freebuilds and trying to impress them by using setplayerscale. sad thing is it worked more often than not

so, naturally, i went to SINGLE PLAYER, started up slopes, and yelled in chat thinking that people could just find me in game sort of like an mmo
oh my god hahaha this is great

forget this is making me nostalgic af as forget

One day my lil bro Deo googled "games where you build stuff" and blockland popped up. We got the demo when it was v10/11, and bought it just around the time v12 was released. I never got to play vanilla with TBM or original RTB / orange block: they actually looked too much like a generic lego game and were pretty much dead then, so I went straight for retail. At that time a BL key was like 20 bucks or so - still well worth it today if I say so myself

I loving LOVE BL!!!!