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Messages - Gambsy

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Gallery / WIP - TomTom's Trench Team-Deathmatch
« on: April 27, 2015, 07:58:58 PM »
TomTom's Trench Team Deathmatch
From the skid that brought you:
- Randomiser DM
- Impossibru Challenge
- Other trench dm's
And the most friended user on rtb!

Powered By

This server makes use of the well-known trench digging gamemode, then adds buckets of espresso.... mmmm espresso
Instead of the usual drivel of 'You save up for the most OP gun and destroy everyone' we've done something different.

The ammo shop system!

Each class of gun has a assigned type of ammo. making for 10 different classes of ammo.

But how do i pay for that crap you ask?
Well simple! You post me cash in the mail!
Nah, just messing with ya :P

Every time a player is killed, a random prize will be selected. This could be either in the form of cash, or as ammo. This is the split proportionally between anyone who does damage to them.
The player is then able to make use of this ammo to get more ammo, or sell the ammo on the marketplace for cash.
For convenience it is possible to auto sell ammo drops, of which you are not using in your current load out.
There is also a free gun if you run out of cash, although using the pistols it is very easy to accumulate funding.
You are also able to tryout guns with 99,999 units of ammo in the testing ground for free

The marketplace's value for each ammo will reflect the levels of demand and supply for the type of ammo. This allows players to treat it like a 'stock market' and trade within it to turn a profit.
It also means that you might actually have to change your play style to accommodate for prices of ammo rising for a particular type.
This allows for a more balanced game, as the stronger guns in the game require more tactical use / A luxury as they have a lower drop rate, hence demand is more likely to outstrip supply pushing prices up

Other Features
Spawn (Paradrop) On Teammates
(Restrictions apply)

Real Time Battlemap

Kill streaks - Duh

You can make use of the 2-0 keys for extra inventory items, such as trench dirt, explosive or pills!
All without the need for any client-sided mod!
Compare how you rank up against even other player!

More TBA

With Thanks To:
Siba - Models
KingOfTheBill - Map Building
General - Map Building / Honorary Test Subject
Tenshi - Photographer
Xon - Cuz

We are currently looking for experienced Bug testers / Play testers to help finalise the server.
As this is (as far as ime aware) a new type of server as far as the market system is concerned, I would like to ensure that gameplay is enjoyable/fluid for all players before opening this fully to the public.
If you are interested please inbox me.

I would also like to apologise for the numerous grammatical errors, I have undoubtedly made in this topic. If you find one just moan at me and I will fix it for you :)

I would also like to express commiserations for those close to thofin, who I know was of great help to many users of the community.

Modification Help / Re: CRP2
« on: April 23, 2015, 02:14:11 PM »
Righty, I thought you would of tried to avoid stuff like that. But never mind then haha :P

Modification Help / Re: CRP2
« on: April 23, 2015, 06:01:12 AM »
Aye, but constant deflation can lead to lower levels of consumption and, Becuase of sticky wages can cause some issues for those running businesses. In addition it's possible it will create a unstable market from sudden fluxtuations

Modification Help / Re: CRP2
« on: April 22, 2015, 05:00:23 AM »
If a user remains inactive for an extended period of time their account will remain untouched. When a player resets their account or is permanently banned their assets will be given to administration to distribute in any way they see fit.
Not what i ment. Will rephrase
Seeng as you have opted for a fixed level of currency in circulation, if some players with a large proportion the currency leave for good, then it could cause some instability in the market. And what you plan to do to prevent this

Modification Help / Re: CRP2
« on: April 21, 2015, 12:59:07 PM »
Out of interest, with a fixed level of currency. How do you plan to deal with leakages from the CFoI? If a major player quits taking 10% of circulation with them, it will put a high level of deflationary pressure on the market.

Gallery / Re: DOF Screenshots
« on: April 20, 2015, 09:35:47 PM »

AC 130's hurt :(

General Discussion / Re: VCE next message
« on: April 20, 2015, 04:40:40 PM »
1 - opTch>ifVar><var:cl:lastmsg> $= .Gun1 [2]
2 - OVT>CL>IfVar [Block] != 1[3 5]
3 - OVT>CL>ModVar>WatGunDeyWant = <var:cl:lastmsg>
4- OVT>Cl>Block =1
5 - OVT>Cl>ChtMsg [UWantThisCake?]

6 - opTch>CL_ifVar> Block $= 1 []
7 - OVT > ifvar ><var:cl:lastmsg> $= "IWantIt" [8 11]
8 - OVT>cl>Modvar>WatGunDeyWant = NULL
[Switch For WatGunDeyWant Types]
9 - OVT>PL>AddItem
10 - OVT > Cl >Block =0
11 - OVF > Cl >Block =0

General Discussion / Re: Blockland Glass File Hosting [Demo/Mock-up]
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:35:39 AM »
I'm uploading updates to the live version at random intervals, as not all testing can be done locally, for example, the reCaptcha and file uploads as my live server has different permission than my personal computer. I don't have any intentions to upload a file that does that, but it may happen inadvertently.

it might be worth making the directory with the file give 403/401 with a IP whitelist? Then processes can then work normally, but without the potential for some poor sod's HDD formatting

General Discussion / Re: Blockland Glass File Hosting [Demo/Mock-up]
« on: April 16, 2015, 10:49:18 AM »
Why make this file available then?
I have to agree with this. What benefit is gained from listing it on an active environment when surely the checks could be perfomed on something unlisted?

Modification Help / Re: A Non-stuffty Script, Admin Tags
« on: April 15, 2015, 11:59:08 AM »
If isn't a function
You know what I meant... Corrected..

Modification Help / Re: A Non-stuffty Script, Admin Tags
« on: April 15, 2015, 05:48:07 AM »
Also, you need to separate the 'if' statements. Else if somebody is a VIP but not admin, it would not show.
You would need to use if(admin){}If(mod){}
or slightly better would be if(admin){}else if(mod){}

General Discussion / Re: Famous?!?
« on: April 14, 2015, 10:06:58 AM »

General Discussion / Re: What is the rarest BL add-on
« on: April 13, 2015, 01:06:27 PM »
Im assuming Trifornt's dueling is the same as Centhra's dueling correct? If so, that sucks.
I will have to find the file and check

General Discussion / Re: What is the rarest BL add-on
« on: April 13, 2015, 12:43:09 PM »
The only add on I would consider rare that has been mentioned in this topic is dueling. I would love to have it if someone knows how to get it.

Last time I checked the file, it was awash with backdoors

General Discussion / Re: What is the rarest BL add-on
« on: April 13, 2015, 09:11:44 AM »
This was the stuff

Also IRK's Impossible Challenge

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