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Messages - Val

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Off Topic / Re: Evar is at Port's house, AMA
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:56:32 PM »
poke evar for me

Modification Help / Re: How do I set a static position for a HUD?
« on: June 30, 2015, 09:16:09 PM »
but getRes() just returns the global variable?
Nope, it just returns the result of an internal engine function, but both contain the information you need anyways.

Modification Help / Re: How do I set a static position for a HUD?
« on: June 30, 2015, 09:04:55 PM »
is there any advantage to using getRes() over $pref::Video::resolution?
Less to type, but that's about it. Using global variables will be slightly faster than a function call (hash table lookup, get string pointer, quick strcpy to stack vs hash lookup, point cpu to function, copy return to buffer, copy to stack)

You should use getRes() for better readability, though. Only use $pref::video::resolution if you're in dire need of performance.

-snip-, nevermind.

Was about to comment on something about onAdd but I was quickly reminded how poorly written the brick placement system is, so it's irrelevant anyways. The "ultimate" way to safely check if your brick is planted and modify behavior is to just overwrite all the ways players are able to plant bricks (i.e ServerCmdPlantBrick, load brick function..) but it's more work than its worth. onAdd should suffice.

Edit: see

Modification Help / Re: Cancelling schedules
« on: June 29, 2015, 09:50:00 PM »
cancel already checks to see if the specified event exists (and doesn't have any side effects otherwise), so the isEventPending check is redundant.

In that case you should get the creator to fix his add-on and not support the bad practice
It's amazing how often you see this in practice. We need to write up some standards and then we get the satisfaction of calling scripts ill-formed.

Utilize GuiProgressCtrl and <ctrl>.setValue(float value);

Distributing keys infringes on the EULA of MS3d, as it says that licenses are non transferable. Although this is not pirating, it is considered an illegal action as explained in the License Agreement.
This excuse is so incredibly lame it's irrelevant.

Off Topic / Re: Game of Thrones - F U C K O L L Y
« on: June 27, 2015, 07:04:24 PM »
forget ?

Depending on how often you check and how many bricks that player has, it may induce some strain on the server. I suggest you implement a system that keeps track if a player has some of those bricks placed instead of iterating through potentially massive brickgroups.

Modification Help / Re: Hide chat messages (client side)?
« on: June 26, 2015, 11:02:41 PM »
it sounds like the bot only displays messages to him, and not to the server

Code: [Select]
commandToServer('messageSent',"Chatbot: Hi");

Modification Help / Re: Hide chat messages (client side)?
« on: June 26, 2015, 10:04:09 PM »
If people say "they're really spammy", making your own messages not show up isn't the solution to that problem, but only reduces the total amount of messages in half (average case). The bot is still going to send messages to the server, potentially advocating it for being "spammy" still. Am I missing something?

Torque does't have any datatypes, a variable is a variable

"4" == 4

Also, don't lock coding help threads

From the "Syntax Guide":

TorqueScript implicitly supports several variable data-types: numbers, strings, booleans, arrays and vectors.

I know what you mean, though. I wish types were stored alongside variables, since ambiguous cases make it hard to determine what function to call on what type of object. Usually you only hear this about classes with virtual function members that make it so you don't need to know what type it is, and you just call the operation on them. This can be done in TS but having to wrap each primitive type in a slow, bloaty object on creation just isn't going to cut it. There are better ways but in the end its just a petty workaround like always.

It's also silly how they put engine types inside usage definitions too, but it's just a mnemonic I suppose. This language really doesn't belong with this engine.

Off Topic / Re: Most efficient way of transferring files?
« on: June 26, 2015, 05:07:38 PM »
Plug the secondary drive into your computer with the games on it. It's the fastest way.

Add-Ons / Re: Anti Client_Trolling: Made by Visolator and Smooth
« on: June 26, 2015, 04:52:00 PM »
Why did you put my name on there? Great, now everyone thinks I'm a jerk again because of you. You're the one who took my name anyways, so what's up?

Drama / Re: Who here dislikes trans people?
« on: June 26, 2015, 02:25:00 AM »
i have told you countless times i am not interested in joining your disgusting fandom. there was a point in time where i wanted to try something new, but after being around all those fircigarettes i have learned that there's nothing to be proud of by being one. i am so sick of firrys shoving their wood in my face. it's absolutely disgusting and i hope one day you'll see it too
Yeah, they're all bark and no bite

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