Author Topic: open letter to xelau  (Read 1816 times)


I will breed snails in my bathtub for 5 years and then when they are all big and slimy i will put them in zip-lock baggies and throw them out the loving window. then i will spend all of my money on apples and let them just loving rot. Next i will go out to the country and start a farm, get it nice and successful and burn it to the loving ground because forget you that's why. NEXT I will audition for America's got talent but get rejected because i live in Canada but that's alright because i loving hate reality TV. My next step is to invest in Gary Coleman postage stamps. Using an insider's trading tip i will make BILLIONS. I will then spend everything i have made on model train sets and then throw the trains off of a goddamn overpass, i will inevitably start a car crash because i have dumped literally millions of model trains and Model Train paraphernalia onto the freeway below. Ultimately i will be sent to prison for a few years because manslaughter. While in prison i will start a cigarette ring and make literally tens of dollars, when i get out of prison i should be about 50 or so years old, I will then spend the next 25 years making a living carving soap sculptures, and then selling the shavings to soap factories for a minimal profit. the soap sculptures I will keep because I'm getting old and they're almost as god as friends now. by the time i am about 75 i will retire. after which i will look back on my life and reflect on the things I've done, and then punch kochieboy in the loving richard.

I will begin to remove essential cables from your computer, so the computer will not function, I will do this while you are at school so I ensure when you get home you will slowly realize that a cable is missing. After you look very very hard for the cable, you will need to walk all the way to to the store to buy a brand new cable, and after a month of doing this every day, I will remove 2 essential cables, thus you will go to the store and then come back with the new cable to come to realization, that a 2nd cable is gone. This will cause you to be very angry and go back to the store once more for another cable. For every 1 month I will remove 1 additional cable from your computer, eventually there will be so many missing cables that I instead, will take your monitor also, eventually with your monitor gone every day you will become broke, thus instead of stopping, I will take the entire computer and leave with it instead, thus all your information on your computer will be gone, and if you have anything private on the computer, it will immediately be released to the public, thus making you infuriated for releasing your private addons onto the forums, under my name. If you reply with a angry comment, I will know that you use a phone. No matter how well you protect your phone from getting stolen, I will take it, no matter the cost. Eventually you will have no more electronics and you will need to use the library computer lab to use the computer, but then I will steal all the computers in the library to make sure you have no access to the internet. If you use a friends computer, it will then be gone too. For every single computer you use, it will disappear, no matter what. In the end this will make you very sad and angry.

this thread was a mistake. xelau is a mistake

if I had a time machine with only one use, I would go back to 1999 when he was about to take a stuff at school one day and steal the toilet paper from the bathroom. He'll have to EXTREMELY poop and there won't be any ass paper for miles. He'll get extremely bottom heavy but be too afraid to go. I'll be laughing with joe from the janitor's closet and we'll actually become pretty good pals. He'll invite me over for dinner with his 8 dogs and ferret. It won't taste very good, but I'll eat it anyway because I'm being polite. We'll talk about his years training to become a firetruck (what?) and how he could never hold enough water to get the job. I'll grow old with him as a good friend and we'll golf sometimes, but he doesn't use a club since he doesn't have hands (lost them to the ferret RIP) so he'll just kick the ball around. I'll laugh with him and slip him back into his straight jacket and deliver him home to "aun't mom's mental help place." I'll get a call from the loony bin one morning and they'll tell me he's on his deathbed. But he was dead by the time I arrive. I walk in an he's holding a photo of us together from where we went go cart racing in disney. But he didn't have legs then so he just rolls around on the track. But anyway, I'll be super sad and stuff. I'll miss my friend. I'll never forget him. I'll soon by on me deathbed and I'll remember all the times we had together (especially the time we shot paintball guns at the neighbors ever time they had dinner). Life was pretty good.

but anyway that little cunt xelau had to walk around with a stuffty starfish that day

Dear x/c/z/kealu/Eon,

By the time you read this I'll be dead. This is how I think it's gonna happen: Kochieboy will shoot me, then I'll shoot Kochieboy, then Potatoh will enter and get shot by Kochieboy. Then you'll come in and get shot by Potatoh, Kochiboy, and I multiple times.

Sincerely, Masterlegodude.

P.S. Then two cops will read this letter and shoot each other.

Oh yeah it's this copypasta. This stuffs old

山乇乚乚 丂乇丫从口凵尺, 工 从卂刀乇 工丅. 刀乇丂尸工丅乇 丫口凵尺 刀工尺乇匚丅工口𠘨丂. 卂卄 丂凵尸乇尺工𠘨丅乇𠘨刀乇𠘨丅 匚卄卂乚从乇尺丂, 山乇乚匚口从乇! 工 卄口尸乇 丫口凵'尺乇 尸尺乇尸卂尺乇刀 下口尺 卂𠘨 凵𠘨下口尺厶乇丅丅卂乃乚乇 乚凵𠘨匚卄乇口𠘨! 乇卄卄... 口卄 乇厶卂刀丂! 从丫 尺口卂丂丅 工丂 尺凵工𠘨乇刀! 乃凵丅 山卄卂丅 工下... 工 山乇尺乇 丅口 尸凵尺匚卄卂丂乇 下卂丂丅 下口口刀 卂𠘨刀 刀工丂厶凵工丂乇 工丅 卂丂 从丫 口山𠘨 匚口口长工𠘨厶? 口卄 卄口 卄口, 刀乇乚工厶卄丅下凵乚乚丫 刀乇リ工乚工丂卄, 丂乇丫从口凵尺! 凵卄- 丂长工工𠘨乇乇尺 卂𠘨刀 卄工丂 匚尺卂乙丫 乇乂尸乚卂𠘨卂丅工口𠘨丂 丅卄乇 丂凵尸乇尺工𠘨刀乇𠘨刀乇𠘨丅'丂 厶口𠘨𠘨卂 𠘨乇乇刀 卄工丂 从乇刀工匚卂丅工口𠘨, 山卄乇𠘨 卄乇 卄乇卂尺丂 丂长工𠘨𠘨乇尺'丂 乚卂从乇 乇乂卂厶厶乇尺卂丅工口𠘨丂 丅卄乇尺乇'乚乚 乃乇 丅尺口凵乃乚乇 工𠘨 丅口山𠘨 丅口𠘨工厶卄丅! 丂乇乇丫从口口口凵尺! 丂凵尸乇尺工𠘨丅乇𠘨刀乇𠘨丅! 工 山卂丂 丁凵丂丅... 丂丅尺乇丅匚卄工𠘨厶 从丫 匚卂乚リ乇丂 口𠘨 丅卄乇 山工𠘨刀口山丂工乚乚! 匚卂尺乇 丅口 丁口工𠘨 从乇? 山卄丫 工丂 丅卄乇尺乇 丂从口长乇 匚口从工𠘨厶 口凵丅 口下 丫口凵尺 口リ乇𠘨 丂乇丫从口凵尺? 凵凵凵卄卄卄 口卄! 丅卄卂丅 工丂𠘨'丅 丂从口长乇, 工丅'丂 丂丅乇卂从! 丂丅乇卂从 下尺口从 丅卄乇 丂丅乇卂从乇刀 匚乚卂从丂 山乇'尺乇 卄卂リ工𠘨厶! 从从从 丂丅乇卂从乇刀 匚乚卂从丂! 山卄乇山! 丂凵尸乇尺工𠘨丅乇𠘨刀乇𠘨丅, 工 卄口尸乇 丫口凵'尺乇 尺乇卂刀丫 下口尺 从口凵丅卄山卂丅乇尺工𠘨厶 卄卂从乃凵尺厶乇尺丂. 工 丅卄口凵厶卄丅 山乇 山乇尺乇 卄卂リ工𠘨厶 丂丅乇卂从乇刀 匚乚卂从丂. 口卄, 𠘨口, 工 丂卂工刀 丂丅乇卂从乇刀 卄卂从丂. 丅卄卂丅'丂 山卄卂丅 工 匚卂乚乚 卄卂从乃凵尺厶乇尺丂! 丫口凵 匚卂乚乚 卄卂从乃凵尺厶乇尺丂 丂丅乇卂从乇刀 卄卂从丂? 丫乇丂! 工丅'丂 卂... 尺乇厶工口𠘨卂乚 刀工卂乚乇匚丅. 凵卄 凵卄, 凵卄卄, 山卄卂丅 尺乇厶工口𠘨? 凵尸丂丅卂丅乇 𠘨乇山 丫口尺长. 山乇乚乚, 工'从 下尺口从 凵丅工匚卂 卂𠘨刀 工'リ乇 𠘨乇リ乇尺 卄乇卂尺刀 卂𠘨丫口𠘨乇 凵丂乇 丅卄乇 尸卄尺卂丂乇 丂丅乇卂从乇刀 卄卂从丂. 口卄 𠘨口 𠘨口丅 工𠘨 凵丅工匚卂 𠘨口, 工丅'丂 卂卂卂𠘨, 卂乚乃卂𠘨丫 乇乂尸尺乇丂丂工口𠘨. 工 丂乇乇. 丫口凵 长𠘨口山 丅卄乇丂乇 卄卂从乃凵尺厶乇尺丂 卂尺乇 㔿凵工丅乇 丂工从工乚卂尺 丅口 丅卄乇 口𠘨乇丂 丅卄乇丫 卄卂リ乇 卂丅 长尺凵丂丅丫 乃凵尺厶乇尺. 口卄 卄口 卄口 𠘨口口口, 尸卂丅乇𠘨丅乇刀 丂长工𠘨𠘨乇尺 乃凵尺厶乇尺丂! 口乚刀 下卂从工乚丫 尺乇匚工尸乇! 下口尺 丂丅乇卂从乇刀 卄卂从丂. 丫乇丂! 丫乇丂, 卂𠘨刀 丫口凵 匚卂乚乚 丅卄乇从 丂丅乇卂从乇刀 卄卂从丂 刀乇丂尸工丅乇 丅卄乇 下卂匚丅 丅卄卂丅 丅卄乇丫 卂尺乇 口乃リ工口凵丂乚丫 厶尺工乚乚乇刀. 凵卄, 丫口凵 长𠘨口山 丅卄-... 口𠘨乇 丅卄工𠘨厶 工 丂卄-... '丂匚凵丂乇 从乇 下口尺 口𠘨乇 丂乇匚口𠘨刀. 口下 匚口凵尺丂乇. 卂卂卄卄 山乇乚乚 丅卄卂丅 山卂丂 山口𠘨刀乇尺下凵乚. 厶口口刀 丅工从乇 山卂丂 卄卂刀 乃丫 卂乚乚, 工'从 尸口口尸乇刀. 丫乇丂, 工 丂卄口凵乚刀 乃乇- 厶口口刀 乚口尺刀 山卄卂丅 工丂 卄卂尸尸乇𠘨工𠘨厶 工𠘨 丅卄乇尺乇?! 卂凵尺口尺卂 乃口尺乇卂乚工丂. 卂凵尺口尺卂 乃口尺乇卂乚工丂?! 卂丅 丅卄工丂 丅工从乇 口下 丫乇卂尺, 卂丅 丅卄工丂 丅工从乇 口下 刀卂丫, 工𠘨 丅卄工丂 尸卂尺丅 口下 丅卄乇 匚口凵𠘨丅尺丫, 乚口匚卂乚工乙乇刀 乇𠘨丅工尺乇乚丫 山工丅卄工𠘨 丫口凵尺 长工丅匚卄乇𠘨. 丫乇丂! 从卂丫 工 丂乇乇 工丅? ...𠘨口. 丂乇丫从口凵尺! 丅卄乇 卄口凵丂乇 工丂 口𠘨 下工尺乇! 𠘨口, 从口丅卄乇尺, 工丅'丂 丁凵丂丅 丅卄乇 𠘨口尺丅卄乇尺𠘨 乚工厶卄丅丂. 山乇乚乚 丂乇丫从口凵尺, 丫口凵 卂尺乇 卂𠘨 口刀刀 下乇乚乚口山, 乃凵丅 工 从凵丂丅 丂卂丫, 丫口凵 丂丅乇卂从 卂 厶口口刀 卄卂从. 卄乇乇乚尸! 卄乇乇乇乚尸!

You have got too far you twatbubble.
KOCHIEBOY! I am going to eat like 7 hot peppers andplug up my own starfish. then i will drink 41 gallons of milk, and a buch of stuffty taco bell, next i will loving eat a live chicken, beak and all. i will then let that gestate in my colon for approximately 5 months, it will be painfull and i might die but it will be worth it, after 5 months i will uncork my buttlips and let the nasty soupy mess flow into a series of funnels and tubes. during the 5 months i was bulding a pipeline that goes all the way to northsouth dookie town or whatever your stuff state is. it will pipe directly into your dorm house or whatever. and you will drown in my frothy soupy stuff mixture. YOU WILL BE DEAD because you drowned in my starfish sausage chocolate goo stew.

forget you very much. 

You have got too far you twatbubble.
KOCHIEBOY! I am going to eat like 7 hot peppers andplug up my own starfish. then i will drink 41 gallons of milk, and a buch of stuffty taco bell, next i will loving eat a live chicken, beak and all. i will then let that gestate in my colon for approximately 5 months, it will be painfull and i might die but it will be worth it, after 5 months i will uncork my buttlips and let the nasty soupy mess flow into a series of funnels and tubes. during the 5 months i was bulding a pipeline that goes all the way to northsouth dookie town or whatever your stuff state is. it will pipe directly into your dorm house or whatever. and you will drown in my frothy soupy stuff mixture. YOU WILL BE DEAD because you drowned in my starfish sausage chocolate goo stew.

forget you very much. 

you thought you got away you dripping forget of a stuff

there is a child crying somewhere in the world for every slimy, kinked pube on your stuff stained taint you goddamn brown town accessory.

I'm going to take every third able bodied WNBA player and force them all into slave labor in a sweat shop designed to produce generic hot wheels (Roll Fasts®). I'm going to take five of these stuffty cars and shove them into a pringles can can and mail them to my buddy brandethan. He'll take the cars and make exact replicas that are 100% untraceable. He'll mail the replicas back to me covered in saran wrap and boxed up in women's shoe boxes (to keep the FBI from knowing of course). I'll take the stuffty car replicas and mix them into xelau's food. He'll be eating his "Turbo Elbow Cheez Noodles" and choke to death on a Roll Fasts® replica. the car will be a FAST way to die if you know what I mean

know what I mean?

xelau you're grade A tye-dyed bullstuff