
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 161996 times)

Got Union Jack Fiddle.

Kinda disappointing, aint playing him so much.. and splash is so old. But I guess it's pretty rare.

So.. cool..

edit: Ya, it's a limited edition from 2010. Epic. Just hopin I won't make a fool out of myself while playin with the skin. c:

I'm happy to say, I think Renekton is in a good place again with the mini-buff he received.

I feel like Eve needs some form of sustain before she can be viable again...

I got sultan trynd. Pretty happy.

I got sultan trynd. Pretty happy.
Try the Korean Trynd build, armor marks, glyphs, ls quints, mr glyphs, 9/21/0

Start dorans shield, proceed to be immovable in lane, scale into the late game trynd we all know and love

championship ahri is so hot

championship ahri is so hot

Luckily theres quite a bit of ehmmm.... ahri content on the more... pleasuring side of the interwebs.

waiting for solo queue fiddlesticks, afk yasuo, feederino vanye, and faker-wannabe zed skins

Got back into silver 3 by playing Alistar top, the headbutt-auto attack glitch works again, and it's hilarious to see people try to fight you.

Jesus christ tiger udyr top is so strong early. I wiped the floor with an irelia but we still lost
« Last Edit: January 18, 2015, 03:19:39 PM by Flush535 »

Jesus christ tiger udyr top is so strong early. I wiped the floor with an irelia but we still lost
ironically, I just wiped the floor with a tiger udyr as shyvana top

Latest ranked game, we were winning early game and ended up throwing because their team was grouping more. So our Fizz decides to run into their team/get baited really hard and dies. He did that about 4 times. The last time he did it he says we need to group more, he JUST ran into 1v5 and tells US to group? Anyways he ended up losing us the game there.

Am I the only one that thinks vi is just completely broken?

Am I the only one that thinks vi is just completely broken?
from what i've learned just build tanky early-game and dont do stupid stuff and you're p-much unstoppable
so only if you're good !