Author Topic: War Game 2.0  (Read 12419 times)

-Rules are like MAORS but better, up 24/7
-Only 2 actions per turn
-No double post you posting whores (lolme)
"rules are subject to change"
-You cannot just, jump in, you need to start out from scratch like, you can put,"Gather lumber" But "Start Making houses" is too far
« Last Edit: August 14, 2007, 04:03:49 PM by Shadowhero »

 I would like number 7,
if that doesnt count as my two turns, I want to start researching farming and start producing lumber for houses.(or make houses, i dunno if i can jump right in)

Starts Gathering Lumber For His Countrymen
Research Military

-Updated rule-

Commenced lumber gathering
Researching farming

Commenced lumber gathering
Researching military

Researching Nuclear Power
Commenced lumber gathering

rky, what color do you want your country?
« Last Edit: August 14, 2007, 04:09:53 PM by Ipekili »

Start Building Houses
Start Recruiting Soldiers

Houses being built
Soldiers being recruited

Research Carbon Fiber
Create volunteer army

-trains army-
-Excavates mines for irons and such-

Ill be purple.
Begin producing farmhouses.(farms and houses)

Trains Army
Excavates mines


Trains Army to specialize in aerial combat
Excavates mines

Begins farmhouse production
Begins house production

Revolt in Pantoria due to homelessness
Revolt in Shadowlands due to draft
Cookiemonster going through drought

-Starts Support Our Troops System in Shadowlands--
--Builds farms for foods--

Begin exploring the continent(look for mines and sources of water ect ect)
research religion, polytheism.(to increase happyness amongst my people)

Starts Support Our Troops System (Revolt calming)
Commenced farm creation

Commenced house building (Revolt calming)
Commenced plane building from carbon fiber material

Explore continent for resources (Oases found, drought ceasing)
Begin polytheistic religion
« Last Edit: August 14, 2007, 04:33:39 PM by Ipekili »