
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2216111 times)

I've never heard of Kasich but he can't be worse than the others

Sanders but if Clinton beats him then go for Annoying Orange

Sanders but if Clinton beats him then go for Annoying Orange
clinton and Annoying Orange are completely different wtf

Sanders but if Clinton beats him then go for Annoying Orange
I've heard this exact same strategy from tons of people. Do you guys know anything about the different candidates' policies? Voting for either a democratic socialist, a moderate establishment Democrat, or an ultra-conservative isolationist isn't something that a politically-literate person does. It seems like everyone's voting sequentially in the order of how much each candidate has appeared on SNL.

if i do vote i'm writing 'rand paul' on my ballot

if bernie sanders gets elected we need to rename president sugar daddy


clinton and Annoying Orange are completely different wtf
he's saying if bernie sanders gets beaten by Clinton for the democratic party then he's voting for Annoying Orange

because lets face it nothing is worse than hillary

Bernie 2016. Hillary is a stuffhead, Annoying Orange is a tribal forgettard.
I'm not crazy over Bernie but he's the cleanest turd in the toilet.

I'd probably vote Annoying Orange before Hillary though.

Bernie 2016. Hillary is a stuffhead, Annoying Orange is a tribal forgettard.
I'm not crazy over Bernie but he's the cleanest turd in the toilet.

I'd probably vote Annoying Orange before Hillary though.

Annoying Orange because you're wrong

Donald Annoying Orange is a stufflord

This is why I don't vote because I personally feel every (major) candidate this voting season has so many downsides that it just isn't worth it.


I think I just wrote myself out of voting, ever. Crap.

Anyways, if I have to post about voting for someone, my sister plans on voting for Bernie, however my dad plans on voting for Marco Rubio IIRC, so it's kinda easy to see that my sister and dad clash politically a fair amount of the time.

roses are red
violets are blue
it's time to elect
a socialist jew

I've heard this exact same strategy from tons of people. Do you guys know anything about the different candidates' policies? Voting for either a democratic socialist, a moderate establishment Democrat, or an ultra-conservative isolationist isn't something that a politically-literate person does. It seems like everyone's voting sequentially in the order of how much each candidate has appeared on SNL.
Because with the two party system you have no other choice if your supported candidate doesn't get the nomination and you dislike the other one fiercely.