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Topics - TheBlackParrot

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Beta v5 is out!
This should be the final beta before I say it's pretty much done. It'll be moved to the Add-Ons section once v6 comes.

NOTE: If you had Client_Extensions (Beta v1), remove it before downloading this version.

NOTE: v4 and older users, you may need to update a couple of settings if the new v5 features are not displaying right.
Git Repo:

  • Shadows can now be positioned; they're no longer forced at 2,2.
  • Time display
  • Maximum size increased from 32 to 48.

  • "Typing box" now scales with the font size, it's no longer forced to the smallest setting.
  • Shadows now display their correct color when using "\c" color tags.
  • Previews now have an outline.
  • Reset button now properly works.
  • Previews now update when the window is first opened.
  • If clan tags are blank even when enabled, they now have "pre" and "suf" in their place in the previews.
  • Shadow opacity reduced to 4 ticks for clairty's sake.

This was something that I meant to implement into Blota, but Munk and I haven't really touched it since whenever we lost interest.

Known Issues:
  • Some messages (notably involved with the SpeedKart gamemode) don't seem to show, or those aren't meant to be seen.


Help / Can Blockland (dedicated) even start up on my computer?
« on: March 26, 2013, 09:31:21 PM »
I'm trying to run a server on my older computer, but it's crashing even before the Launcher appears or any console window.
It's a 700MHz AMD Athlon with 384MB of RAM, and it's running Arch. Video drivers and the like are all installed.

I'm assuming it's not an issue with Wine because everything else running through it is working fine. There's no logs of anything either.

It's doing this:

and that's it. No files or folders are ever made.

I've even tried setting Wine to run under 98, 2000, Vista, 7, and 8 and they're all doing the same thing.

I can confirm dedicated servers do work under Linux, I use to host 3 sometimes 4 on one computer with it, but I had to give said computer away to my grandparents who have never even turned it on.

Score being time but it's functioning like score, so

For some reason this isn't writing to the file right.
Code: [Select]
function updateBestTimes(%c)

%mg = %c.miniGame;

if(!isObject(%mg)) { %mg = $DefaultMiniGame; }

%startTime = %mg.raceStartTime;
if(%startTime <= 0) { %startTime = %mg.lastResetTime; }

%elapsedTime = getSimTime() - %startTime;
%elapsedTime2 = getSimTime() - %startTime;
%elapsedMS = getSubStr(%elapsedTime2,strLen(%elapsedTime2)-3,strLen(%elapsedTime2));
%elapsedTime = mFloor(%elapsedTime / 1000);

for(%i = 0; %i < $SK::numTracks; %i++)
%displayName = $SK::Track[%i];
%displayName = strReplace(%displayName, "Add-Ons/SpeedKart_", "");
%displayName = strReplace(%displayName, "/save.bls", "");
%displayName = strReplace(%displayName, "_", " ");

if(%i == $SK::CurrentTrack) { %filename = "config/server/SpeedKart/Times/" @ %displayName @ ".txt"; }

%file = new FileObject();

%file.writeLine("6000 0 N/A");
%file.writeLine("6000 0 N/A");
%file.writeLine("6000 0 N/A");
%file.writeLine("6000 0 N/A");
%file.writeLine("6000 0 N/A");


%count = 1;


%line[%count] = %file.readline();

%time[%count] = getWord(%line[%count],0);
%msec[%count] = getWord(%line[%count],1);
%name[%count] = getWords(%line[%count],2);

echo(0 SPC %time[%count]);



%line[6] = %elapsedTime SPC %elapsedMS SPC %c.getPlayerName();
%time[6] = %elapsedTime;
%msec[6] = %elapsedMS;
%name[6] = %c.getPlayerName();

for(%i=1;%i<=6;%i++) //for 1 through 6

%numbers[%i] = %time[%i];

if(%numbers[%i] > %highest)

%highest = %numbers[%i];


echo(1 SPC %numbers[%i] SPC %highest);




if(%numbers[%j] == %i)

%order[%j] = %time[%j] SPC %msec[%j] SPC %name[%j];
echo(3 SPC %order[%j]);





%line[%i] = %order[%i];




messageAll('',"<just:center><font:Impact:30><color:ffff00>" @ %c.getPlayerName() SPC "<color:ffffff>WON THE RACE WITH A TIME OF <color:ff00ff>" @ getTimeString(%elapsedTime) @ "." @ %elapsedMS @ "!");
messageAll('',"<just:center><font:Impact:24><color:ffff00>BEST TIMES");

messageAll('',"<just:center><font:Arial Bold:20><color:ffff00>" @ getWords(%line[%i],2) @ "<color:ffffff> -- " @ getTimeString(getWord(%line[%i],0)) @ "." @ getWord(%line[%i],1));




That's what is being echoed. It's in order like it should be, but in the file:

Code: [Select]
6000 0 N/A
6000 0 N/A
6000 0 N/A
6000 0 N/A
6000 0 N/A never seems to write to it. What gives?

Ninja edit: I purposely only want the top 5 lines written, not 6. That isn't a mistake. It's 6 because I want it to check with the previous 5 and the new value.

Help / Blockland is asking for my key every other time I start the game.
« on: February 10, 2013, 04:28:12 PM »
I'm not sure what's going on, but it's starting to annoy me a bit.
My local IP is always, so that can't be it.

I am using Arch Linux with Wine 1.5.23, and it use to never do this. It's been doing this for probably, a month or 2 now?
Not sure how posting the console.log could help but, meh.

General Discussion / screw it.
« on: December 22, 2012, 01:18:39 AM »
only a few are interested and i'm sure only 6 would show up.

thanks guys, you're all wonderful.

Off Topic / Manuel Moose - a moose reads your tweets.
« on: December 19, 2012, 10:49:56 PM »

i think it's pretty cool, even though you can barely understand him.

edit: add #tbxmoose at the end of a tweet

Games / Duke Nukem 3D is free on GOG
« on: December 12, 2012, 05:50:55 PM »

Off Topic / Gizoogle
« on: December 01, 2012, 05:28:11 PM »

Off Topic / do you guys know if you can install older versions of apps.
« on: November 21, 2012, 11:59:58 PM »
i recently restored my ipod because the itunes database was corrupted, and

everything in the app store suddenly requires at least iOS 4.3. i have a 2G ipod and i'm stuck on 4.2.1.
and no, anyone barging into the thread saying LOL BUY A NEW DEVICE isn't going to help, i can't exactly afford a new device and i never will.

and if you have a old device like i do do not restore it.

Off Topic / I wake up to my ipod asking for a passcode?
« on: November 01, 2012, 06:37:04 AM »
I never even added a passcode



General Discussion / TheBlackParrot's Skyscraper Server [how2organize]
« on: October 27, 2012, 04:43:29 PM »
I have a server folder I'm not using, and I want to give it some use.

This will be 24/7, I will take admin applications (eventually), I won't overload the server with useless addons, and it should remain rather stable.

How should this be organized? Place a road, build a skyscraper next to it, what.


Save file:

Kozak was also a part of this.

I was wanting to make something in conky (similar to rainmeter, except it's linux) that would display what the console was outputting on my other computer on my desktop.

(tl;dr console output --> text file --> conky)

I tried just straight up using the console.log itself, but it's only showing the beginning of the file, not the end.

Conky does automatically update as well, so it doesn't have to update server/game-side.

Is this possible through Torque or is this not possible at all?

Off Topic / welp, 16
« on: September 27, 2012, 01:00:43 AM »

this cake looks delicious.

Help / Shaders work in Linux, but not in Windows.
« on: September 24, 2012, 05:21:45 PM »
Xubuntu 12.04.1 with Wine 1.5.13

Crashes on anything above minimal shaders, however.

Windows Vista Business

console logs are attached from each OS.

Intel Core 2 Duo T7250 2GHz
Intel GMA965/X3100

They run terrible on linux, but hey at least they do, right?

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