Author Topic: Model Congress Independent Party Logo - Tips/Critiques  (Read 1706 times)

The Independent Party (they are the only party that gets to name themselves) named themselves "The Party Formerly Known As Prince" in honor of Prince's recent passing, because why not.

I was tasked with making the logo because the party leader knew that I liked doing that. I figured to show this to you guys because.

Any comments before I submit it to the party leadership?

(NJ Model Congress is basically a model of congress but the people who go there to debate and have fun w/ bills all join the independents to make a party platform that is purposely not partisan or ideological. A lot of neutral answers to current debates, etc.)

Good ass logo and RIP Prince

finger prince?

i dont think so

but why prince, why not something cooler like the IDGAF party or something

but why prince, why not something cooler like the IDGAF party or something
Because we aren't that edgy.

but why prince, why not something cooler like the IDGAF party or something
I don't understand, you're implying there exists some entity cooler than Prince

I don't understand, you're implying there exists some entity cooler than Prince

Prince didn't like the internet.