Author Topic: Clowns be DDosing servers again  (Read 14902 times)

Every culprit here is incorrect. I know who it is.
im sorry.... everyones sitting here ignoring what he just said because.... why?

Every culprit here is incorrect. I know who it is.
but are you gonna say who it is tho

are you really turning a drama thread into a loving arg
get your cp arg outta here
everything happens for a reason

I think it's time to begin...

base64scammedprizeinmorseATTA TCHEDbutlastlybacon

TW9yZSBoaW50cyB0byBjb21lLCBwZ XJzaXN0ZW5jZSB3aWxsIHBheSBvZm Y
Sorry for being two years late

Prize: -.-. --.- ... -. --.- ..-. -.-. 

To be continued on a separate thread...
Solved this. End album is full of bestiality. Report and move on.

Solved this. End album is full of bestiality. Report and move on.
fine by me I get to keep a 150$ skin

I actually solved it, send me the gut knife doppler now.


Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we have a special new bulletin this thanksgiving day to bring you breaking just now in news.  The suspected hackers have been CONFIRMED to be using Jays Booter.  The Tool in question is here drawn by an artists rendition based on the description:

-Special News Correspondant

what was the point of posting this?
also, why did you blacklist me over this? You and three other people got real paranoid when I posted this

also, why did you blacklist me over this? You and three other people got real paranoid when I posted this

Hey, You should be able to see your appeals by going to and clicking on your appeal. Alternatively you can get to your appeal by going through your profile as stated above.

Hey, You should be able to see your appeals by going to and clicking on your appeal. Alternatively you can get to your appeal by going through your profile as stated above.

also, why did you blacklist me over this?
because i was done speaking to you