Author Topic: My birthday thread  (Read 941 times)

My birthday is on june 20, wish me happy birthday...

Does anyone else have a favorite train conductor?

So I'm fairly new to subway commuting but I noticed I frequently get the same conductor on my morning commute. He is just the best; every time I get on and I hear him I smile because I got his train. He has such a nice voice and he is really good about calling stops and other things like stand clear, issues, police info, etc. Great guy to be halfway awake with on a commute for 30 mins.

Maybe it is just because I'm new and still getting the swing of things but man I love this guy. I am lucky to have my commute match up with his train!

So does anyone else have a favorite conductor?

Fuzztoast go away, stop being off topic. This is Train Conductor Megathread

On another personal note, there's a conductor on the 7 that does all his own announcements with way more information than the recorded announcements. Like he basically gives you walking directions to the 456 at Grand Central. You really don't see that level of enthusiasm anywhere else. That dude definitely loves his job.

And I remember a few years back there was this late night conductor on the G that would announce "This is the G as in Groovy train, the next stop is [stop]." I loved that guy.

Please be on topic in the Train Conductor Megathread.

thats it im locking the threa