Author Topic: Space Guy's Bot Mod  (Read 7535 times)


I have been asking for onbotseeplayer forever. Thank you space. <3

I haven't used his for a great length of time so I don't know too much. I think that mine is more versatile and easier to set up for things like deathmatches (place one brick and it works) and custom appearances. (Change one event rather than strange /commands and "hidenode" stuff)

Current events I have:

Input events (bricks)
onBotLoaded - When events are changed or when brick is placed
onBotInjured - When bot is hurt by weapons fire
onBotDeath - When the bot dies
onBotKill - When the bot kills a player/enemy
onBotRespawn - Triggered after the minigame's respawn time or few seconds after it dies
onBotSpawned - When the bot is spawned by events
onBotLoseTarget - When the bot immediately can't see its target
onBotChaseTarget - While the bot is chasing a target
onBotLoseChaseTarget - When the bot cannot navigate to its target from the last known position
onBotNoTarget - While the bot has no target
onBotSeeFriendly - When a friendly player is in view (works with TDM, ZAPT, Rotondo's Zombies)
onBotSeeEnemy - When an enemy player is in view
onBotSenseProjectile - When an enemy projectile is detected in a radius around it

Output events (bricks only)
spawnBot [Player Type, Appearance Type, Automatically Saved Appearance, Weapon Held]
respawnBot - respawns the bot defined by the spawnBot event
deleteBot - removes the bot if it's spawned
setBotMoveDestination - last event-triggered bot moves to this brick (think setPlayerTransform)

Output events (bricks, bots and players: function of some varies based on targets)
setBotAim [Vector, Absolute] - makes the bot aim a specific direction relative to itself or the world
setBotMove [Vector, Absolute] - makes the bot move a specific amount relative to itself or the world
setBotMoveObject [Target] - makes the bot follow a specific player target (e.g. activating player, closest enemy, closest player]
clearBotMove - clears the bot's current move object
setBotJump [checkbox] - if on, the bot continually jumps
setBotCrouch [checkbox] - if on, the bot continually crouches
setBotJet [checkbox] - if on, the bot continually jets
setBotFiring [checkbox] - if on, the bot continually fires its current weapon
setBotFireTarget [Target] - makes the bot aim at and attempt to fire at a specific target (like moveobject or aiming at the brick)
botWander - Moves the bot once in a random direction/distance in front of it, turning at walls (used with onBotNoTarget)
botChase - Bot chases its current target (used with onBotLoseTarget and onBotChaseTarget)

I'm unsure whether to do the input events like "onBotActivated" and "onBotTouched" as that'd basically be copying Amade's.
Ooh, this sounds nice. I really hope the problems get fixed so this can be released.

Ask Amade for permission?

I wish you luck Space Guy.
Would a V8 coppy of your Bot Mod help?

Do you seriously think having OnBotActivated and OnBotTouched would be copying?
Its only two events. I really don't see the big deal in it, since they play two MAJOR roles. Now if you copied something a bit less useful, then I could see a problem there.

Do you seriously think having OnBotActivated and OnBotTouched would be copying?
Its only two events. I really don't see the big deal in it, since they play two MAJOR roles. Now if you copied something a bit less useful, then I could see a problem there.

I concur. Those two are integral and I doubt someone would be using both at the same time. So if someone were using yours (which as noted above, has much larger versatility), then missing those two may be important

Anyways, I really hope this gets fixed, because Amade's is a bit finicky. As far as the "Team" thing goes with Amades, it doesn't actually work with TDM. Instead you need to use an event to set the team of a player or bot. So you have to do something like on the team 1 spawn: onPlayerTouch>Player>SetTeam Team1 and then have all the bots on their team have something similar, but onBotTouch. Then if you touch their spawns, you're bots attack you and theirs don't. And there's no way to do "Attack everyone except team _". That would be nice for Fort Wars.

As far as appearances go with Amade's, it's fastest to make yourself look like how you want them to, wrench the spawn, and then type "/applyAv" and that'll make all the events for you. Except it wipes all the previous events... SUCH AS SET TEAM!
I had to replace my entire army's events... *grumbles*

I like your idea of the Standard AI bot. It's like an insta-ally! I think that would be very useful, without having to tinker with all of the controls. And the onBotSeePlayer would be invaluable with more realistic scenarios, where they only attack once they see you, instead of once you enter a certain area around them.

I really want this released! Good luck!

@Above post.
Wow, I thought you were a troll. I firmly stand corrected.

Wow, I thought you were a troll. I firmly stand corrected.

What made you think I was a troll?

Make onBotActivated and make sure you can activate that event through walls.
Make onBotTouched and make sure it is activated when a bot touches a bot and not just when a bot touches a player. D:

Make onBotActivated and make sure you can activate that event through walls.
The standard onActivate doesn't go through walls - I'd probably make it go through ones with raycasting off but not everything.

Make onBotTouched and make sure it is activated when a bot touches a bot and not just when a bot touches a player. D:
Sounds simple enough. It'd probably take the bot as "Player" and the bot's AIConnection (fake client) as the "Client" if I use a similar method to his.

The standard onActivate doesn't go through walls - I'd probably make it go through ones with raycasting off but not everything.
Sounds simple enough. It'd probably take the bot as "Player" and the bot's AIConnection (fake client) as the "Client" if I use a similar method to his.
Good, these were the basic bugs in Amade's methods.

Good luck on it Space Guy.

explain the bot mod to me.
I have no understanding of it.

it brings up this HUD that allows you to set paths for the bot, make him chase player, control the bot, make the bot attack you, give the bot a weapon, make him be a guard bot that attacks anyone near him.
it was the stuff back in v8

it brings up this HUD that allows you to set paths for the bot, make him chase player, control the bot, make the bot attack you, give the bot a weapon, make him be a guard bot that attacks anyone near him.
it was the stuff back in v8

you could make a VIP clubhouse.
and have guard bots  guarding the entire thing.
Im not sure if they could snipe also, but it was sure epic