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Messages - Bravo

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Creativity / Re: Music Megathread
« on: December 18, 2017, 01:06:17 PM »
released an album today..still unsigned but hopefully this will grab some attention
if youre wondering where ive been ive been working on this (link on image)

Off Topic / Re: what is the earliest thing you can remember?
« on: December 08, 2017, 11:09:41 AM »
my dad rolled over ontop of my head when i was a baby and he had to reshape it

Off Topic / SAFE 19:12:01:22:05
« on: October 30, 2017, 09:52:43 PM »


General Discussion / Re: A plan to revive blockland
« on: November 25, 2016, 01:45:22 AM »

Off Topic / Re: in san francisco, what do
« on: July 03, 2016, 11:45:21 AM »
Go to the tenderloin at night alone

Hey I'm still in the hospital, the doctors still aren't sure what happened but yesterday I got all four of my wisdom teeth out and I think I had a bad reaction to the anesthesia and pain meds and when I woke up this morning I was standing in my kitchen and wasn't getting enough blood to my brain and fell flat on my face. I guess I had a seizure as soon as I hit the ground. Don't really remember any of it except waking up in the ambulance

dude, like, what the actual forget.

I remember seeing some FB post about you being back from Bali and just kinda blew it off, but now knowing this stuff happened just makes it 100x better/scarier. Glad you're alive and how you're not dead is beyond me, that's alot of stuff to take in.

Haha this is this first time I've ever done something like this. I was surfing most of the time. You guys coming down anytime soon to San diego?

My friends sending me the clips, I need to make a highlights reel and blur my face incase it goes viral but I'll release the link on here when it's done

Expect a video soon. The clips are too long so I'm going to edit the highlights into the most forgeted up video you've ever seen

This story smells over exaggerated. I mean, why would you not record this and put it on youtube to go viral?
There are hilarious videos I would love to post but they'd be deleted immediately as we're all naked. If you know a website I could post on i will but it's some seriously graphic stuff.

The room flooded on accident though because I showered with my towel and left it on the drain without turning the shower off

Floor was all tile and there were towels we used for the shower and just accidentally left them infront the door with all our clothes. The glass was broken after our soapy Waterpark expedition

it sounds like you had a fun vacation, but I'm going to call you an absolutely massive idiot for taking so many drugs at once without even knowing what all of them did, then nearly dying the next day due to those drugs.
I completely agree, I've been sober since and living healthy. It was a big wake up call.

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