Author Topic: The Official April Fool's Day 2018 Thread  (Read 5463 times)

im playing where is waldo on google maps lol

pop tarts made a sriracha pop tart, the chocolate whopper from bk, boundary break made a fake new smb episode, some subreddit swaps

also i made cleansed canvas v2 as my april fools prank

researchhub is "hornhub"

forgettable dungeon discord became the forgettable luncheon discord
Got a screencap i can link to?
Did Youtube remove their player for a default/generic one? They have a tap to unmute button, but it's hard to tell on mobile what they're doing
« Last Edit: April 01, 2018, 08:38:08 AM by Masterlegodude »

the roblox subreddit did some... redesigning:

Got a screencap i can link to?

google introduces the Bad Joke Detector:
« Last Edit: April 01, 2018, 09:20:31 AM by K3k0m@n »

the roblox subreddit did some... redesigning:
We'll take all the free advertisement we can get.

the B4v21 discord has had some slight changes:

i was gonna release the cuphead mugen char but there's some dumb edit to him as an april fools joke but it'd be lame