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Topics - KillerCop311

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 [7] 8 9 10 11 12 ... 42
Off Topic / Awful/Bad/Weird Fanfictions Megathread
« on: November 01, 2014, 04:14:17 PM »
Post horribly made fanfictions here.

If they include the following:
-Ripped dialogue from other shows/games, with awful minor  editing
-Massive special interest overuse
-Idiotic fan pairings
-Poorest grammar and spelling
-Mary Sues everywhere
-Story writing that makes no sense

It's a winner here. Well, it just depends on what you think of how awful it is.

Ugh. Why Spongebob completely ripped and mixed with MLP?

Off Topic / Need help removing bugs at my Grammy's house
« on: November 01, 2014, 04:39:51 AM »
So, this has  been going on for YEARS now, but the house I'm staying in for the weekend, my Grammy's, is INFESTED with bugs.

I'm tired of seeing roaches, ants, and other  bugs almost everywhere around the house.

They just buy bug spray, but to me, that isn't enough. Now every second i have to check to make sure there aren't bugs crawling up my arm, on the table, or up the wall.

I was thinking about this:

But it'd probably end up being a fortune.

What do I do? I don't want to come to this house on a weekend and see BUGS EVERYWHERE.

Off Topic / killcop plays ps4 games [online]
« on: October 31, 2014, 10:08:08 PM »

currently sucking with playing Spelunky

Off Topic / Happy Halloween! What are you gonna do today?
« on: October 31, 2014, 04:53:25 PM »

I'm probably gonna sit around the house and do nothing considering I have no costume and I don't care about Halloween much anymore.

The only thing I probably will do is buy candy.

To give.

To myself.

Off Topic / I Killed Pom Pom
« on: October 31, 2014, 02:12:43 PM »

Happy Hallowieners everybody!

Off Topic / pusillanimous individual Game - Bonnie Maxx
« on: October 31, 2014, 03:32:28 AM »

The name is not as inappropriate as it sounds.
...although R34 of this wouldn't be half bad

Off Topic / itt: everyone acts like life is a game
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:10:39 PM »
Hey, guys, what level does the side quest 'Getting Laid' unlock? I'm currently level 14, haven't checked the walkthrough yet. What level does it unlock, lemme know. Does it depend on region?

Off Topic / Restored my PC, what things should I get
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:09:18 PM »
It is restored to defaults, going to do the following things
-Remove junkware [yep]
-Remove norton [no]
-Install Steam [no]
-Install osu! [no]
-Install Volume2 [no]

Any other things I should get?

CCleaner, Chrome, and Skype are the only things I installed myself.

[6:55:52 PM] myself: hi mom-anon
[6:56:06 PM] mom-anon: hi anon ^_^ ready for homework?
[6:56:31 PM] myself: i don't have any, but dad-anon got mad at me for going to the counselor, and talking about the food situation
[6:56:42 PM] myself: he got mad about >talking about my feelings<
[6:56:45 PM] myself: how is that a crime?
[6:56:49 PM] mom-anon: it's not
[6:57:03 PM] myself: he said the cpa would take me away from him and force me to live with you
[6:57:04 PM] myself: but at this rate
[6:57:07 PM] myself: it doesn't sound that bad
[6:57:12 PM] mom-anon: your dad-anon has issues of his own he needs worked out so don't worry too much about it
[6:57:17 PM] mom-anon: it doesn't does it
[6:57:23 PM] myself: doesn't at all
[6:57:40 PM] myself: you always HAVE food
[6:57:45 PM] mom-anon: uh yeah
[6:57:51 PM] myself: you have a great job, and we always get healthy food for me
[6:57:55 PM] myself: we get junk food almost all the time
[6:58:10 PM] myself: there's good schools around there, and i'm near 2 of my best friends in florida (they live in florida)
[6:58:15 PM] myself: honestly
[6:58:19 PM] myself: i'd be GLAD to live with you
[6:58:33 PM] mom-anon: we'd be glad to have you too anon, you know that
[6:58:53 PM] mom-anon: if you need to keep talking to counselors you keep talking to counselors
[6:59:07 PM] mom-anon: tell them how your dad-anon got about the things you need to talk about
[6:59:11 PM] myself: you know what, i will
[6:59:20 PM] myself: i'm telling them how he's telling me to lie to you
[6:59:35 PM] myself: i'm telling them how I "shouldn't say we don't have food at the house"
[6:59:36 PM] myself: mom-anon
[6:59:40 PM] myself: we literally don't have anything
[6:59:43 PM] myself: you looked at the fridge right?
[6:59:49 PM] myself: AND the freezer?
[6:59:54 PM] mom-anon: yeah I thought he was going grocery shopping today?
[7:00:00 PM] myself: still hasn't done it yet
[7:00:10 PM] myself: we're around 30 or more we can't afford that
[7:00:21 PM] myself: we're just waiting for friday to come
[7:00:32 PM] myself: also he said if you "yelled at him" he'd just ask you for more child support
[7:00:35 PM] myself: and I said (not really):
[7:00:46 PM] myself: why should mom-anon have to suffer for your poor budget situation?
[7:00:57 PM] myself: why do you have to tax HER instead of anonaging yourself?
[7:01:02 PM] mom-anon: at least you're realizing that
[7:01:11 PM] myself: i think i'm finally realizing it
[7:01:16 PM] myself: he's trying to anonipulate me
[7:01:23 PM] myself: he's trying to make me think he's better than you
[7:01:34 PM] myself: just because i can stay at home alone, and play whatever games i want
[7:01:37 PM] myself: i'm near done with him
[7:01:53 PM] mom-anon: I know you'll make the choices you need to make
[7:01:57 PM] mom-anon: you're a smart anon ^_^
[7:02:06 PM] mom-anon: and going to be a smart grown up, too!
[7:02:11 PM] myself: yeah!
[7:02:14 PM] myself: tomorrow
[7:02:17 PM] myself: i'm bringing down the axe
[7:02:26 PM] myself: i'm telling the counselor e v e r y t h i n g
[7:02:35 PM] myself: the forcing to be told to lie stuff
[7:02:46 PM] myself: saying that i shouldn't say stuff just so he can keep me
[7:03:11 PM] myself: telling them he can't anonage budgets easily and how we have too anony bills (cable, internet, gamefly, cell phones, btguard, all that stuff)
[7:03:23 PM] myself: i'm saying all of that, i want out of this place
[7:03:30 PM] myself: plus i'd finally be able to spend all those christmases with you
[7:03:35 PM] myself: the thing i've wanted for YEARS
[7:03:53 PM] mom-anon: you know stepdad-anon and I love and support you anon ^_^
[7:04:10 PM] mom-anon: if you want the counselor to call me or anything I'll be there for you
[7:04:17 PM] myself: thank you
[7:04:22 PM] mom-anon: but remember...the government is a bit slow
[7:04:28 PM] myself: i think i'll have her (ms. anon) call you during our little meeting
[7:04:34 PM] myself: and i don't care how much dad-anon yells at me
[7:04:36 PM] mom-anon: but we'll do what we need to do
[7:04:48 PM] myself: the truth is coming out
[7:04:54 PM] mom-anon: good
[7:05:03 PM] mom-anon: you gotta care about you
[7:05:14 PM] myself: that's right
[7:05:17 PM] myself: i'm in control
[7:05:33 PM] myself: i'm not saying anything to him because i know he'll flip out, ground me or do less or worse
[7:05:40 PM] myself: i don't want any bad chances of ruining my week or time
[7:05:43 PM] mom-anon: are you ok right now?  Have you eaten dinner?
[7:05:50 PM] mom-anon: that's fine anon
[7:05:50 PM] myself: yeah, just what i had monday.
[7:05:52 PM] myself: tacos.
[7:05:56 PM] myself: just tacos.
[7:06:00 PM] myself: like 6. nothing else.
[7:06:11 PM] mom-anon: yeah you just gotta keep talking until they listen
[7:06:18 PM] myself: i understand that now.
[7:06:23 PM] myself: i'm finally going to do it.
[7:06:27 PM] mom-anon: did you talk to them today then?
[7:06:31 PM] myself: i'm going to finally speak the truth to someone i can trust.
[7:06:34 PM] myself: yeah, about the lunches thing
[7:06:44 PM] mom-anon: just let them know how your dad-anon reacted
[7:06:49 PM] myself: i will
[7:06:51 PM] myself: trust me i will
[7:07:02 PM] myself: and i'll try to do my work after the meeting
[7:07:03 PM] mom-anon: if you have to, show them the pictures of the fridge and stuff
[7:07:07 PM] myself: but it'll be hard considering i have a lot on my mind
[7:07:12 PM] mom-anon: I know you do
[7:07:18 PM] mom-anon: remember...I've been where you are
[7:07:36 PM] mom-anon: if anyone understands I do
[7:07:44 PM] myself: and i thank you for that
[7:07:47 PM] myself: i thank you for that very much
[7:08:08 PM] mom-anon: do you remember when all we used to eat was party pizzas and stuff because we didn't have money for food?
[7:08:40 PM] myself: yeah
[7:08:46 PM] myself: was it because dad-anon was hogging up all the money?
[7:09:06 PM] mom-anon: we didn't have very much of it
[7:09:14 PM] myself: expected
[7:09:15 PM] myself: also
[7:09:17 PM] myself: [removed]
[7:09:19 PM] myself: it's happening
[7:09:24 PM] myself: i'm typing something out right now
[7:10:18 PM] myself: wish me luck ^^
[7:10:42 PM] mom-anon: I wish you luck and I'll give you all my support!  You know I love you!  ^_^
[7:26:08 PM] myself: check your email, i wrote the email and sent to counselor, forwarded a copy to you
[7:26:19 PM] myself: i apologize about the singular H word in the email, but i'm furious right now
[7:26:29 PM] mom-anon: ok let me read it
[7:26:29 PM] myself: like REALLY mad
[7:26:30 PM] myself: okay
[7:30:28 PM] mom-anon: Wow that's a really powerful letter!  I think she will definitely get an understanding of what you're feeling.
[7:30:44 PM] mom-anon: And I can forgive the H word...I understand you're mad.
[7:31:01 PM] myself: Thank you.
[7:31:30 PM] mom-anon: Your voice will be heard
[7:31:42 PM] myself: That's exactly what I want.
[7:32:05 PM] mom-anon: you know he'll still probably be mad
[7:32:12 PM] myself: I don't care.
[7:32:16 PM] myself: I honestly do not care at all.
[7:32:23 PM] myself: He needs to face the facts. I know everything now.
[7:32:26 PM] myself: I know what he's donig.
[7:32:28 PM] myself: *doing.
[7:32:43 PM] mom-anon: what did the counselor say today?
[7:33:20 PM] myself: she just told me to go back to class after talking about the lunches thing
[7:33:21 PM] myself: but now
[7:33:26 PM] myself: i think this will be a whole different experience
[7:33:41 PM] mom-anon: don't be disappointed if things don't change immediately
[7:33:45 PM] myself: i won't be
[7:33:49 PM] myself: i just need to get my word out
[7:33:52 PM] myself: and let it be heard
[7:33:57 PM] mom-anon: and don't worry I'm going to work even harder on my end, too!
[7:34:06 PM] myself: thank you!!!
[7:34:08 PM] mom-anon: We both gotta keep working ^_^
[7:34:18 PM] myself: yeah, we have to
[7:34:45 PM] mom-anon: and we can't let ourselves get depressed...we gotta use that to make us stronger
[7:34:56 PM] myself: oh trust me i'm not depressed
[7:35:13 PM] mom-anon: I can tell you're frustrated and angry
[7:35:28 PM] myself: i am.
[7:35:45 PM] myself: will you be available tomorrow?
[7:35:58 PM] mom-anon: I will be!
[7:36:03 PM] myself: that's great!
[7:36:38 PM] mom-anon: You can even give them my home phone number [removed]
[7:36:47 PM] mom-anon: that's our house phone
[7:36:48 PM] myself: ok, thank you very much!
[7:36:57 PM] mom-anon: you know my phone sucks sometimes lol
[7:36:59 PM] myself: tomorrow will be the day to end all days
[7:37:42 PM] mom-anon: well whatever happens...even if the counselor doesn't call, I'll be strong for you!
[7:37:53 PM] myself: thank you very much!
[7:38:15 PM] mom-anon: you don't have to thank me, anon ^_^ I love you.  That's what you do when you love someone!
[7:38:44 PM] mom-anon: You see me and stepdad-anon all the time.  We do everything for one another even when we aren't together!
[7:38:58 PM] myself: yeah!
[7:39:07 PM] myself: plus i think i'll have a better time living with you
[7:39:36 PM] mom-anon: we have rules and stuff, but I think they are good ones!
[7:40:01 PM] myself: yeah, good ones!
[7:40:15 PM] myself: plus i think i need to get used to doing chores
[7:40:19 PM] myself: plus i'll learn more from you!
[7:40:35 PM] myself: you're good at writing, math, coding, and other stuff not for school that I can learn!
[7:40:52 PM] mom-anon: yeah stepdad-anon and I love learning stuff!  ^_^
[7:41:26 PM] myself: I also want to try out FFXIV more with you!
[7:41:48 PM] mom-anon: lol that isn't your type of game, but have you tried League of Legends?
[7:42:01 PM] mom-anon: Now that I have a good computer I can try different types of games
[7:42:03 PM] myself: yeah, not my type of game either (tried Dota 2)
[7:42:41 PM] mom-anon: yeah that's not my kind of game either...I'm trying League of Legends, but haven't gotten past the tutorial lol
[7:42:49 PM] myself: lol
[7:42:54 PM] myself: try dota 2, it's the same
[7:43:30 PM] mom-anon: I'm wondering what kinds of games I can play on this computer...maybe now I can play Scribblenauts when it goes back on Steam sale
[7:43:49 PM] myself: i'd like to try maplestory with you again
[7:43:51 PM] myself: things have improved
[7:43:52 PM] myself: severely
[7:43:57 PM] myself: new classes, voices, anime style cutscenes
[7:43:58 PM] myself: it's awesome
[7:44:20 PM] mom-anon: isn't it 3d now?
[7:44:26 PM] myself: that's maplestory 2
[7:44:30 PM] myself: it hasn't come out of alpha yet
[7:44:42 PM] mom-anon: ahh...stepdad-anon says you'd love Fantasy Life
[7:44:49 PM] mom-anon: it's for 3ds
[7:44:59 PM] myself: talking to stepdad-anon on the phone?
[7:45:04 PM] mom-anon: yup
[7:45:07 PM] myself: neato
[7:45:39 PM] myself: i still can't wait to get this thing done
[7:45:45 PM] myself: i want to get things talked out
[7:46:02 PM] mom-anon: I can understand that
[7:46:16 PM] mom-anon: you've probably been putting up with all this for a while now
[7:46:32 PM] myself: too long
[7:46:42 PM] myself: tomorrow it's gonna be hard to work after the meeting
[7:46:53 PM] myself: because i'll have a lot on my mind
[7:47:01 PM] mom-anon: I know but you can do it...I have had to do that a lot too lately
[7:47:15 PM] mom-anon: I've been really upset with some people at work
[7:48:24 PM] mom-anon: plus they sorta gave my job to someone else
[7:48:31 PM] mom-anon: but now I got it back!
[7:48:40 PM] myself: yay!
[7:48:45 PM] myself: anyways
[7:48:49 PM] myself: i'll get outta your hair
[7:48:53 PM] myself: need to get more cheery
[7:49:03 PM] mom-anon: you're not in my hair ^_^ but go get happy and cheery anon ^_^
[7:49:20 PM] myself: thank you!

There's a lot on my mind about my father that needs to come out. I'll give you the basics of what's going on and what HAS been going on.

First, my Dad has been telling me to lie. About a LOT of stuff. For one, my mother sometimes gets upset when my Dad leaves me alone. To solve that, when I'm in a Skype call with my mother, he calls me into a room where he can't be heard, and tells me he's leaving. And I just sat there like a animal on a chain, refusing to tell my mother anything. I've stopped that.

Second thing to lie about, illnesses. I caught a REALLY bad type of sickness on Janurary 1st. I told everyone about how I was sick and how I needed help. And that's something you should do, right? Right??? Apparently not to Dad. He told me not to tell anyone because the CPA would "take me away from him." And honestly, that's not that bad now that I realize it. More on that later, though.

Third thing, which is the worst, talking to the counselor. That's right. He's told me to lie to you about things. And when I tell the truth, he flips out and again, tries the CPA threat. That's the lowest of the low. I can't tell people how I'm FEELING? How cruel. And again, he will yell at me if I tell him the truth or my feelings. About how I'm "overreacting" and "making up drama".

Now, onto the second item on my list: Food. We already talked about this. You want to see something frightening? Here are 2 images:

Did you see those? THAT is our current fridge and freezer situation. And you're probably gonna say: WHY MAKE THE HOT DOGS OR THE THING YOU HAVE IN THE FREEZER?? WHY CAN'T YOU MAKE YOUR OWN BURGERS OR FRIES AT THE HOUSE?? You wanna know why? He doesn't trust me. I've eaten a lot before, but I'm stopping that. Still doesn't trust me, which I understand, but we can't buy groceries until Friday. That's a while. We've been eating Jack In The Box Tacos and Little Caesar's, and we planned that for the week until Friday. You think I WANT to eat junk food all the time? HELL no! And I apologize for my rude language, but I'm sickened by that. Forced to eat JUNK FOOD for a entire week.

And finally, there's my Mom. Oh boy, this one I hate. Remember those things before I talked about? He straight out told me to lie to her. Lie. To his own mother. You think that's fun? HAHAHAHAHA, IT'S NOT. I don't like lying to her. But I've been telling her the truth now behind my Dad's back because things need to be said. Things need to be discussed.

Tomorrow, I want to discuss all of this with you. I will be at the Counselor's office once I get to school. And I'm making all of this get said. I probably won't be able to do work after it because how FRUSTRATED I am at my father and the meeting itself. Expect me to be a person who might cry, get mad, and finally speak the truth.

Oh, and also? Get my mother on the phone if need be.
Her cell is [removed]. Write that down somewhere or store it on a list of phone numbers that are important about me.

This is finally happening. I'm not telling my Dad any of this. NOTHING leaves the meeting. Nothing goes to my case manager, my father, only my mother, you, and me.

I'm making this happen.

From a frustrated, confused, and enraged 14 year old boy,

Look, I'm like really frustrated. Say whatever you want. Give advice. Anything. I'm just really frustrated right now and need to get this off my mind.

Off Topic / How to disappear on the internet
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:29:22 PM »

Off Topic / The Lazer Collection 6
« on: October 28, 2014, 04:55:35 PM »

Off Topic / Family needs help with money saving and food
« on: October 27, 2014, 05:37:16 PM »
So I checked around my father's bank account (yes, I can do that), and I recently discovered we only have $46 something in the bank.

That's barely enough to buy groceries for 2 weeks. Payday's this Friday, but we need to eat SOMETHING.

There's nothing in the fridge or freezer we can make (either not enough ingredients or don't have it), but we need something to eat.

I did some research, and I found out we could live on 6 Jack In The Box tacos every day (3 for each of us), Monday through Friday.

That's really unhealthy though, so we need something else.

You guys got any ideas on what we can eat for the week?

Places around: Little Caesars, Aldis, Shop n' Save, Schnucks, McDonalds, Chik-Fil-A (however you say it), Panda Express, and a couple other places.

As of right now we only have mashed potatoes in the pantry. That isn't enough.

help please

« on: October 25, 2014, 11:22:54 PM »

This is the most important debate in history.
This needs to be solved now, by us, the greatest masterminds in the universe.
If we don't solve this, the world will end.
Let's do this.

Jokes aside, I love cats. Very quiet and easy to take care of, and cute. Fun to play with and tease.

Games / MapleStory - pixelated MMORPG that OP appears to love
« on: October 25, 2014, 06:51:42 PM »

MapleStory is a 2D, side scrolling MMORPG by Nexon, which has existed for several years, with several updates, class additions, and other items.

I can't really make a megathread for this ATM, haven't done enough research, but for now, this will be a area to post what servers you play on, usernames, etc.

Player List [bl forum name - servers - usernames (in order of server, will be seperated by server name)]:
None at the moment (haven't made my new char yet)

Off Topic / akinator the thread
« on: October 24, 2014, 05:21:00 PM »
post the things this mother forgeter has guessed

hint: use LICEcap to do animated gif stuff

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 [7] 8 9 10 11 12 ... 42