Author Topic: -Friday the thirteenth is over sorry-  (Read 7056 times)

theres a huge storm in town and its breaking stuff in my yard. also theres no good servers on blockland..
oh wait

I got good weather wtf? We usually get storm raped.

Pretty nice day I had today actually :P

About 30 minutes ago I had to put down my dads sun roof and roll up the windows...
I almost got my finger stuff in the sunroof because there's this flap that has to be pushed in while it goes down.

It took like 3 tries to get that faulty thing back down and shut -_- Oh well if I pass freshman it becomes my car. Its a Honda Civic 1993 and it was used for street races.

hot friend flirted with me in two classes another hot friend went to court and won her case, so no juvy. (15 tickets holy stuff) made up with my ex girlfriend.

Today went generally nice.

my idiot sensors detect a southern american

quickly, bring out modern cities and then they will see why northern people won the civil war!

Senior prank day at my school today.....and they hung giant "For Sale" signs everywhere and put them in the ground.
too simple.

but yes, my day has been full of fail, i got a cold sore today and it HURTS.

ITT: alyx takes any chance he can get to talk about himself, friday the 13th is uneventful

ITT: alyx takes any chance he can get to talk about himself, friday the 13th is uneventful
Oh mememmememememmem me me me me me me more about me and all that good stuff meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeee

Senior prank day at my school today.....and they hung giant "For Sale" signs everywhere and put them in the ground.
too simple.

but yes, my day has been full of fail, i got a cold sore today and it HURTS.
You have herpes. I got them to don't feel bad and it only hurts for a while. I STUPIDLY ripped mine off and I was like OMGSIFHVILHCFLHLICFHDUI ouch!

oh no my faptop was taken away
that's pretty much it

oh no my faptop was taken away
that's pretty much it
Hurry use your iFap!

ITT: alyx takes any chance he can get to talk about himself, friday the 13th is uneventful
nothing we can do about that sadly, he manages to turn every topic into talking about himself no matter what the topic is

nothing we can do about that sadly, he manages to turn every topic into talking about himself no matter what the topic is
I can always find something to say.