Author Topic: forumers, who is your forum crush?  (Read 14258 times)

sir dooble is alive :O

sir dooble is alive :O
ah stuff, I knew I was supposed to be doing something

*crawls back into grave*

if i'm being legitimate i kind of thought khaz was cute for a little but that died down

wasn't really a crush thing though, just like that pre stage thing with no commitment, kinda a trend after my breakup though

oh yeah and haha i kinda had a crush on a furry here a few years ago and that died down too, rather not share because i don't wanna be weird about it

if i'm being legitimate i kind of thought khaz was cute for a little but that died down

wasn't really a crush thing though, just like that pre stage thing with no commitment, kinda a trend after my breakup though
awe <3

im my own forum crush
dude thats like......................... .. CONCEITED

vigil, nal, and vh

if u read this nal i was totally sad when we spoke last time because i think youre totally cute ))):

that khaz guy is loving hot

I haven't been on here long enough but the forumer I have a crush on is in a group of mine and I don't want stuff to get awkward between me and them

I haven't been on here long enough but the forumer I have a crush on is in a group of mine and I don't want stuff to get awkward between me and them

is it me :#3