Author Topic: 24x24 Baseplate  (Read 2865 times)

24x24 Baseplate
Made by Stealth Commander/QuadStorm (BLID 50799)

A 24x24 baseplate brick. Originally made after this old request but the link was broken, so I simply made it again with an icon. (warning: has a different UI name than the old one: "24x24 Base" vs. "24x24")

obligatory screenshot

(24x24 baseplate is obviously covered by the 16x16 and 8x8 baseplates)

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Look's cool, downloading later

i kinda wish baseplates didnt exist. they arbitrarily define building size and they've been doing it forever. without these bricks houses would be totally different in size

Yes, and also 24x48 pls.

Maximum brick size is 64. Sorry bb. </3

i kinda wish baseplates didnt exist. they arbitrarily define building size and they've been doing it forever. without these bricks houses would be totally different in size
maybe don't restrict the walls of the building to be on the edge of the baseplates then?
nothing is stopping you from doing that.

i kinda wish baseplates didnt exist. they arbitrarily define building size and they've been doing it forever. without these bricks houses would be totally different in size
why not mix the base plates

i kinda wish baseplates didnt exist. they arbitrarily define building size and they've been doing it forever. without these bricks houses would be totally different in size
Why not build like people in Co Hort and:
1. Plant a bunch of zones and build in that

2. Make one supporting brick, and then expand off that.

i kinda wish baseplates didnt exist. they arbitrarily define building size and they've been doing it forever. without these bricks houses would be totally different in size

 You do realize you can re size he house once you have planted the brick, Right?

Also baseplates exists even in lego.

they arbitrarily define building size and they've been doing it forever. without these bricks houses would be totally different in size

I disagree with this. While I agree when people are making cities in a grid like 32x32 or 64x64 fashion I do see people trying to stay with the baseplate size.

I usually don't build on any set grid with baseplates. When I make a city I don't go by a grid system.

Originally made after this old request
ayy I forgot I even wanted that in the first place
and I didn't even realize how useful it would've been outside of an elevator

Maximum brick size is 64. Sorry bb. </3

but theres a 66x66 in my server.

wonder how that happened.