Author Topic: Downloaded Firefox - Google Chrome is now slow  (Read 1392 times)

i use netscape explorer.

Delete 'win32' it should be the source of your problem as it takes up 95% of your ram.  :cookieMonster:

Uh Linux users can use any of these browsers.
lynx anyone???

lynx anyone???

OT: I have both Firefox and Chromium installed and I have no problems with either one. I do use Firefox more though.

the stronger browser slowly feeds off the weaker browser to survive the winter

the "O" stands for "OK browser"
The "P" stands for "Piss off"

OP is just asking why one browser slows down when in the presence of another. Stop telling him to use a different one.

I have all three installed. Neither of them have slowed down.

Start task manager
Right click the window that's open in the "applications" part
"Go to process"
Right click the highlighted one
"Set priority" -High-
Do not set your priority to real time. Idk what happens, i hear its bad though. dont do it.

The "P" stands for "Piss off"

OP is just asking why one browser slows down when in the presence of another. Stop telling him to use a different one.