Author Topic: Tutorial_How to make a colorset  (Read 3922 times)

How to make a color Set
You know the default colors on Blockland? I do. Ive been working with the "Blockland Default" Color Set, and suddenly got tired. The way i like to make mods, is of course, look at a default one. I opened the Default colorset folder and took a quick glance at it. Ive worked a lot with Photoshop to know the RGB scales. Here is a exampe:

255 0 0 255
255 255 0 255
0 255 0 255
0 0 255 255

The first column is the Red Scale.
The second column is the Green Scale.
The third column is the Blue Scale.
The fourth column is the Trancperency Scale.

Every time you want to name your colorset group, underneath the group, write "DIV:<Name>", so when you start up blockland, it will say the name of your group. Write a description, and namecheck, so that the colorset will work (Not on the actual colorset text file).

Compress it into a .zip archive, move it into blockland add-on folder, start blockland, click "Start A Game", select "color manager" and lselect your colorset.

remember, the folder should have "colorset_" at the begining.

here is a full example of Stratofortress's Texture colorset:

0.900 0.000 0.000 1.000
0.900 0.900 0.000 1.000
0.000 0.500 0.250 1.000
0.200 0.000 0.800 1.000
0.900 0.900 0.900 1.000
0.750 0.750 0.750 1.000
0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000
0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000
100 50 0 255

230 87 20 255
191 46 123 255
99 0 30 255
34 69 69 255
0 36 85 255
27 117 196 255
255 255 255 255
20 20 20 255
255 255 255 64

0.667 0.000 0.000 0.700
1.000 0.500 0.000 0.700
0.990 0.960 0.000 0.700
0.000 0.471 0.196 0.700
0.000 0.200 0.640 0.700
152 41 100 178
0.550 0.700 1.000 0.700
0.850 0.850 0.850 0.700
0.100 0.100 0.100 0.700

155 47 47 255
93 28 28 255
131 57 57 255
131 78 57 255
183 103 72 255
109 57 57 255
116 31 31 255
241 234 209 255
244 239 221 255
DIV:Brick & Mortar

25 30 36 255
176 171 151 255
217 220 203 255
86 83 74 255
122 107 86 255
173 175 174 255
153 95 93 255
133 140 143 255
192 188 176 255
DIV:Stone & Concrete

103 28 23 255
131 79 81 255
185 144 90 255
138 95 53 255
109 71 48 255
61 44 28 255
238 184 122 255
201 136 78 255
131 96 64 255

have fun  making colorsets!

This is good i like it i might use it someday
thx :cookieMonster:

Now we will get even more useless colorsets full of bright random, neon colors and crappily-made scales.

Now we will get even more useless colorsets full of bright random, neon colors and crappily-made scales.

Come on dude. Lighten up! :D

Come on dude. Lighten up! :D

that's what someone said when that guy made the damn icon replacing tutorial

that's what someone said when that guy made the damn icon replacing tutorial

There was an icon replacing tutorial too?!? Wow. But at least it's good for me because I had no ides on how to do this before.

Why is there an underscore in the title?
This isn't an add-on.

Where do you get the number codes for the transperant color?

255 0 0 255
255 128 0 255
255 255 0 255
128 255 0 255
0 255 0 255
0 255 128 255
0 255 255 255
0 128 255 255
0 0 255 255
128 0 255 255
255 0 255 255
255 0 128 255

I <3 Hex Codes. I know teh conversions too. :3

Need halp with colors? Just ask meh.

I might might a better tutorial though. This is more of a "So yeah, you know? Here's an example."