Author Topic: DayZ: Blockland - Being revised  (Read 37061 times)

Yet that I still hate you.

If you have the nerve to post that on here when its not even needed, I probably won't be letting you on the server once it is finished.

Looks awesome can't wait to play it  :cookieMonster:


The forget is up with the grip
and the ejection port
and why is the barrel a square

in my opinion, you aren't going to get that big of a map using that style of terrain as builders will either
1. lose motivation
2. reach brickcount

imo you should switch to 4x4 grid brickscape, before its too late.

either way it will look great.

The forget is up with the grip
and the ejection port
and why is the barrel a square

Considering blockland is blocks I try to stay in the blocky theme..

When he showed me how big the map is we will defiantly need multiple terrain builders and we more than most likely hit brickcount 0.e

imo you should switch to 4x4 grid brickscape, before its too late.
I second this.

If you have the nerve to post that on here when its not even needed, I probably won't be letting you on the server once it is finished.
theres a reason hes been banned twice

quick question for these type of projects
how does the loot system work exactly? it has to be random. not the same things in the exact same spot all at once

quick question for these type of projects
how does the loot system work exactly? it has to be random. not the same things in the exact same spot all at once
i reccomend swollows scavenge script for the system, go check it in the addons section

ever since dayb i lost hope in these things
ports survival was good


We could always use vce for random variables and set the variables to spawn loot

lol this will never be completed

these free-roaming open world projects NEVER get completed


Needs some work on the ejection port and barrel but other than that looks nice.

also with the terrain, I suggest you guys tone it down with the brickcount as what Passta Soup said. Plus non-detailed terrain looks better, extremely detailed and "realistic" terrain just doesn't look quite right.

edit: gave some critique on the terrain so far.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2014, 02:16:01 AM by Treti »