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Topics - keaton

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Off Topic / [news] horse
« on: July 17, 2019, 03:02:07 PM »
Someone spotted a horse, this is really important I think that they should be arrested also that horse was black and stuffted out a white horse

btw ignore this thread pls

page 1-10: the transgender black monday raped a loving skeleton then he regurgitated 🅰️ rotten richard which was telling him that your stuff tastes like hamborger cheese tenders and you are not it! want to forget? yes so motheforgeter please insert your creditcardinformation smells like shrimp said "stick potato and star fish-master." now that loving demon raped me consentually without cum on me so i can summon the green antichrist tvfilthyfrank to kill john wick with band-aids and richard and richard bick mick stick rick. pickle fiddle sodomy up yours edibles from my rooster and his ass cheeks are delicious but badspot forgeted badspot with badspot's son's chair man gina but knowledge was killing everyone so we loving sucked MMMF oversized microphones until 9/11 but they forgot the plot of this plane oh wow, a PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILIC OVOLCANOCONIOSIS. futile obi-wan stripper trying intercourse with watermelons insemnating the fbi-

page 11-20 -while you impregnate the laptopme. mondays okay, lemme hit that p-spot with buckets filled me up with sperm banks and richards but snakees overran my communist boypusillanimous individual smells like chicken maneyouknowsayinmanesmellin'likesomechigginmanechicken breast comes in theoutsideporch and chicken breasts forget, honkeys in the cunts. i'm goingtorunoverbriangriffinaga ow butiwasgettingrealthicccccc uhh can we piss into the ass of esmerelda the gamer and her 12-year-old daughter said forget yourself brother stick figure is my dad. gamers, john are gay & knuckles & tails featuring cherney from huckleberry who eats ass filled ram ranch on a addon because it forgeted mondays homoloveual mom. the said "help me" monday i will commit in real time-strategy kickflip 180 in tony lovey tits tits its. cyberdemon machine tits lactating forgettards tits. who sucked on my cant say or else page will mess up (translation: monday cant say or else page will mess up 2) shubniggurath the kompressor ass why forgeter bill-

page 21-30 -nye the blockland glass guy alexa, play after implosion special niglets im explosion expulsion hydroplosion matter super explosion rap implosion is explosion not outward booming with badspot's enis pener weenie while the chainsaw rips cunts sideways お and Bros go eat kfc. then oatmeal was banned by... macaroni sluts & bitches cheese brother soldiers were fapping to milf in cest epic dogs on my grandmas richard saying awoo, meanwhile... my vip classic club penguin expires on november 11th 2011 on my sun we interruption the sequel part 3. pickle gay fuzztoast loves being forgeted ten times. he chews spicy cookies then whore's minecraft girlfriends died from aids then a korea furry clubs started organizing militas armed school principals with ok microwaves that microwave chimichangas heated blankets covered soviet supreme shirts reeking of cum microwaved cheese slurs that said forget-

ocean man, take me by the hand lead me to the- I'm gonna write later again

General Discussion / Blockland is getting more popular
« on: July 09, 2019, 03:22:10 AM »
From what I've seen on GMod one of the highest rated maps this week is a Blockland recreation of gm_construct and most of the people who have commented on it don't even know what Blockland is. A Blockland fan on Twitter posted something and it got really popular or something. Have seen players with really high bi_lds that I've never seen before.

Off Topic / Cursed/weird YouTube videos
« on: July 06, 2019, 10:05:27 PM »

Off Topic / Should I no no talking like this all the time
« on: July 04, 2019, 10:40:57 PM »
and instead talk like this sometimes?
like this

Off Topic / My account was hacked
« on: June 16, 2019, 03:14:21 AM »
My account was hacked for the last few months and the person who hacked it was a absolute handicap (probably on purpose to try to get me drama'd and/or banned), lost most of my friends thanks to him. Luckily I finally got the password changed, that dumbass typed his password in one of the forums. Luckily he is gone now! BTW I don't know who this person is at all because I have never left my password out in the open (unlike him). I changed the password so he can't get back in. One last thing, I left because of this reason, I feared someone will hack into my account because at the time I was pretty immature and I knew that at the time, so I left for about like 2 years or so (not gonna check the time between when I took the break and now).

Off Topic / windows xp roleplay
« on: June 13, 2019, 09:05:05 PM »
*computer launches*

Games / now this is a vrchat thread idk
« on: June 05, 2019, 02:11:17 PM »

Off Topic / inb4 the lock
« on: June 05, 2019, 02:07:50 PM »

Off Topic / PSVR question
« on: June 04, 2019, 05:05:18 PM »
How do you make the screen less pixelated? The games on it look really blurry and pixelated for me, any ways to make it better besides cleaning the screen (it's already clean)?

This thread is about Logdotzip, a Minecraft YouTuber who recently started doing clickbait videos. Most of his videos are way longer then they should be, and also even sometimes he just rambles on about something not related to the video title at all or just keeps repeating clips and lines. Most of his 10-15 minute videos most likely always has less then 6 ads because he thinks with 4 or 5 ads he will prove a point that he is not a clickbaiter. There is a herobrine video he made even though it's already proven that herobrine is not even in the game files at all.
Sure the attachment showing the ads has about 3 but there was one before the video.

There is a text opening saying something like "third party program detected" like a piracy measure when I clearly have the game installed on Steam.
Proof is not required (even tho I already posted proof in the attachments) because you have to have the game to be on the forums.

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