Author Topic: the master server is being spammed  (Read 15573 times)

hey blockland isnt dead anymore!!

also that max headroom joke the spammer made was frickin unoriginal

also im just gonna throw this out there but this guy
reminds me of someone who called themselves "1x1x1x1" on bl that joined awhile ago
he basically joined to try to impersonate the debunked 1x1x1
and boasted his "hackings" in the chat

hey blockland isnt dead anymore!!
i foregot to remove that and edit wont work now

1x1x1x1 wasn't even a real hacker according to MrDoomBringer on the Roblox Forums:

Lets talk about where the name comes from. Long ago, Telamon posted a number of stories about Roblox's backstory to the News. One of these included mentions of 2x2, the first brick. Copied over and over, every other brick were it's descendents.

Then, in a footnote, he mentions the evil 1x1x1x1. So that's where the name comes from. Blame John.

Lets talk about why people say he's a hacker. A guy who's name is long forgotten (not Zuka) found an exploit (not CheatEngine) to insert control scripts into online places. He sent me a message, telling me he had something to demonstrate. I joined him in Crossroads, and it started raining heads saying things along the lines of "He's coming back!" and "1x1x1x1 is coming for you!" and the likes. People in the server freaked out, I found it hilarious, he gave me instructions on how it works and I reported it to the devs. End of story.

1x1x1x1 wasn't even a real hacker according to MrDoomBringer on the Roblox Forums:
he basically joined to try to impersonate the debunked 1x1x1


THIS again?

it already happened with satin minions.

what's even the point of doing this

haha lol 666 reads


this is not good

hey gary look there's my server no THIS is what it leads to

on notice, it looks like a script for blockland, oddly enough, made by swollow.

and also appears to be a private addon, which is weird since all it does is generate a random color.

mind explaining, swollow?