Author Topic: Adjustable gravity.  (Read 7319 times)

Just a simple script I wrote since no one seems to have tried it before.
And yeah, it's a somewhat hacky implementation, simply adding a neutralizing upthrust to every player, but hey, it seems to do a decent job.

/changeGravity <gravity>
Admin only, <gravity> can be between -1 and 1.


To do:
Add support for vehicles, based on the mass of the vehicle. (%vehicle.getDatablock().mass)
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 10:15:16 PM by DrenDran »

There's a map folder inside the zip inside of which the add-on is.
Put the files in the map folder directly inside the zip.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 09:49:05 PM by TheArmyGuy »

There's a map inside the zip inside of which the add-on is.
Put the files in the map directly inside the zip.



Goddamnit it's my confusing Dutch language. Map = Dutch for folder and I almost never use the word folder. I always do that.
I meant folder uuuugh.

Map? Nested??
Wat language u gai's be speakin

now release random weapons plz

Map? Nested??
Wat language u gai's be speakin
it means the addon is inside a folder in the zip which will make it not execute

Map? Nested??
Wat language u gai's be speakin
The nested was map so badly that the map simply couldn't be execed.
Sorry about that, this new map is fixiert.

Jet Ski:


Admin: /changegravity -1

--------GOIN UP

Wow guys stop discriminating me for being a european!!!

Wow guys stop discriminating me for being a european!!!
ich kenn ma das fühl bru
except i live in the amerika